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Fallah Concedes …Attributes Defeat To The Anger Of The People

By Alex Yomah

The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) through its senatorial candidate, Thomas Fallah has officially congratulated Abraham Darius Dillon, as  winner of the just ended senatorial election in Montserrado County.

Even though the National Elections Commission (NEC) has not officially declared Dillon as winner, the District # 5 Representative Fallah indicated that results before him places his opponent in an impressive position to be declared as winner and encouraged his partisans to accept the results. 

Fallah cautioned colleagues and partisans that it is now time for the ruling party to work harder aimed at correcting some of those things that led to their defeats in most of the counties while admitting that there were governance issues raised by supporters.

He said some CDC supporters that complained that the President made lots of promises including, “Liberians will not be spectators in their economy” as well as promising to improve the livelihoods of Liberians which are yet to be fulfilled.

Fallah reminded his political leader and partisans in senior management levels in government not to let those who elected them into power down and assured that  CDC’ lawmakers will work with the President in ensuring that those promises made are manifested in the lives of the Liberians.

Meanwhile Rep. Fallah assured that despite his defeat, he will ensure that all the promises he made during the just ended campaign for the senatorial seat are fulfilled.

According to him, he will shortly embark on thanking those who supported him during the campaign process and to ensure that his campaign projects in all the communities are completed.

Earlier Speaking, CDC Chairperson, Mulbah Morlu also congratulated Senator-elect Dillon on his retention of the senatorial seat of Montserrado though he promised to have resigned if Dillon ever of re-elected.

Morlu who failed to have tendered in his resignation on yesterday while conceding to the CDC’s defeat in Montserrado County, he reiterated that Rep. Fallah placed a call to Senator Dillon congratulating him on his victory and have pledged his commitment to work together as lawmakers to move “our country forward.”

“This is the first time that a defeated candidate in the history of Liberia is congratulating his opponent before the official declaration of results by the NEC, something we only get to see in American democracy. On behalf of the leadership of the Coalition, let me join Rep Thomas Fallah in publicly extending congratulations to Senator Darius Dillon” Morlu said.

Meanwhile, giving his own analysis of why the party was defeated, the Grand Bass County Superintendent Janjay Baikpah told Bana Fm that like in Bong County, it was no secret that the Vice President, Jewel Howard Taylor did not support the ruling party’s candidate.

He explained with surety that with the cleft, there was no way the party’s candidate could have won because she said she would not have voted for Yallah and hailing from that county, it was obvious the residents would have been divided on who to vote or which way to go.

Baikpah said as for Lofa County, the CDC’s candidates have never won any seat since the ascendency of Joseph Boakai as Vice President hailing from that county from the Unity Party.

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