The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

LCP Leads Gov’t Covid-19 Awareness Across The Country

The Liberia Crusader for Peace (LCP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH) is leading a five-day vigorous coronavirus awareness across the country with the distribution of food items to County Health Teams.
The Grand Cape Mount County Health Team being the first beneficiary of the government’s initiative over the weekend received 15 faucet buckets, 15 bags of 25kg rice and 150 pieces of hand washing soap.
Presenting the items to the County health team, LCP Ambassador, Julie Endee said the items were given to them by President George Weah and the team is only decentralizing the President’s gestures during this crucial time.
Ambassador Endee emphasized that the donated items are not intended for the covid response team rather they are to be distributed among the various counties’ health teams which includes medical doctors and their entire medical staff.
Meanwhile, as the confirmed cases of covied-19 scourge, every citizen’s responsibility is to protect his/herself and family members against the virus by the wearing of masks at all times, social distancing and continuous hand-washing.
To date, Liberia has now recorded 869 confirmed cases, 463 active cases, 37 deaths and 369 recoveries. According to NPHIL, on July 3, the country reported 36 new confirmed cases and 23 recoveries, with no new death.
Meanwhile, the government through the Ministry of Health recently launched a national campaign for compulsory masks wearing in public places but the order appears to have fallen on deaf ears as 13 of Liberia’s 15 counties are reporting confirmed cases.
In an exclusive interview on June 30, the LCP Executive Director, Madam Endee confirmed that her organization was dispatching several teams of risk communicators across the country to work along county teams during this rigorous awareness campaign.
“The counties are reporting increase number of cases and there are projects in all the counties with support from Global Alliance on Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) through the Ministry of Health which the Crusaders for Peace is implementing,” she explained.

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