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Grand Lodge Of Liberia, Eastern Star Donates Assorted Food Items To Gov’t

By Bill W. Cooper
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Masons in collaboration with the General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of Liberia has donated some assorted food and other items to the government to help in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic or COVID-19 in the country.
Those assorted food and other items given include rice, beans, oil, cream crackers, mineral water bottles, juices, teas, toilet tissues, bathing soaps, face masks, hand gloves, alcohol, hand sanitizers, sanitary pads, detergents and Clorax among others.
Presenting the items yesterday at the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) office in Congo Town, the Masonic Charity Committee Chairman, Re. Wor. Bro. N. Olsward Tweh, 33? said that the gesture given was not the first time for the Grand Chapter and the Eastern Star of Liberia to assist the government in its fight against a deadly virus.
Recounting, RWB. Tweh noted that about six years ago, in 2014 during the outbreak of the EBOLA Epidemic, the Grand Lodge established an EBOLA Charity Committee, who under the leadership of RWB Charles R.G. Bright provided essential food and other supplies to medical workers at various hospitals, EBOLA Containment Centers, and crews of ambulances who were in the front line during the fight against the virus.
RWB Tweh added that it was against said backdrop that they decided to present the various food and other assorted materials to the government through the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the NPHIL, adding that they are cognizant of the fact that the government has limited resources, and that it was prudent enough to for them to rally around the government and support its efforts in the fight against the virus.
He then urged the citizenry to support the government in defeating the pandemic, while at the same time expressed optimism that through the government and citizenry join effort and the mercy of the Grand Architect of the Universe as he foresees the defeating of the Coronavirus like the EBOLA virus.
Meanwhile, RWB Tweh has also revealed the Grand Lodge Masons and General Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star plans to also reach out and identify with other missions and charity organizations in the country.
Receiving the items on behalf of the government, Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah lauded the Grand Lodge Masons and General Grand Chapter for the gestures, describing the gesture as timely, especially, when governments are trying to put things together to curtail the spread of the virus.
She then promised that the government through the MoH and the NPHIL will use the assorted food and other materials for the intended purpose.

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