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“An Alarming Pattern!” -Unknown Men Torch Salala Rubber Plantation Again


Some unknown men have set parts of the Salala Rubber Corporation (SRC) plantation ablaze, marking the incident as the third within two months.
The incident, which happened in the early hours of Sunday night, resulted in extensive monetary and physical damage to the SRC rubber trees, raising serious economic concerns for the company.
The blazes, however, were contained due to the interventions of some community dwellers and the company’s fire service team.
Eyewitnesses say that as the unknown men lit the fire across different sections of the plantation, gunshots were also heard.
In a statement, SRC management says while the full extent of the damage has not yet been determined, preliminary reports suggest that a significant portion of rubber trees and facilities were affected.
“This is becoming an alarming pattern. The repeated attacks on our properties are not only hurting our business but also threatening the livelihood of many in the community,” SRC Management said in a statement. “We urge the local communities to work with us in curbing these rising attacks and strengthening security.”
The latest arson attack follows two similar incidents in recent weeks, fueling fears of deliberate sabotage. With rubber production being a key contributor to the local economy, continued destruction could lead to job losses and economic setbacks for the country, as SRC is the third-largest rubber plantation, employing over 900 people and directly contributing millions to the local economy annually.
While no arrests have yet been made, as the perpetrators remain at large, the management of SRC is appealing to local authorities to help with the investigation, ensuring that justice is served.
Meanwhile, SRC management is appealing to residents and community leaders to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities that could prevent further destruction.
“With each attack compounding the financial strain on the company, industry observers warn that if the situation persists, it could have long-term repercussions on the company’s operations,” SRC management said in a statement.
The management added that they expect to hold discussions with the communities in the coming days on how best to address security concerns and prevent further destructions.

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