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Rep. Williams Fulfills Campaign Promises


By Moses J. Dawoe/Southeast Correspondent

Maryland County District 2 Representative Anthony F. Williams has begun fulfilling his campaign promises from the 2023 Presidential and Representative Elections.

According to the Pleebo Sodoken District Representative, during the elections, voters requested that the winning candidate rehabilitate roads in Pleebo City, revisit the concession agreements of the Maryland Oil Palm Plantation (MOPP), Cavalla Rubber Corporation (CRC), and Golden SIFA, as well as construct a vocational school in Pleebo Sodoken District.

Speaking at a press conference on March 4, 2025, at Pleebo City Hall, Rep. Williams said his ongoing initiatives address concerns expressed by residents.

He noted that Representative, Senatorial, and Presidential candidates often promise such projects if elected, and he is committed to fulfilling them.

Moreover, the Maryland District 2 Representative cautioned that a leader is a public servant and should not see himself as a master stating that Thursday, March 6, 2025, will mark his first year in the 55th Legislature.

Rep. Williams emphasized that he is committed to bringing smiles to the faces of Pleebo Sodoken residents through infrastructural development.

He stated that he prioritizes the needs of his district over personal financial gain.

Meanwhile, Rep. Williams has clarified the source of funding for the ongoing road rehabilitation, stating that the project is self-supported through his Daily Sustenance Allowance (DSA) and other legislative compensations given to lawmakers.

He further stressed that during a trip to Ethiopia, he saved his allowances, DSA, and salaries to achieve the success seen today.

He mentioned that he wrote to the Ministry of Public Works, requesting permission to use Public Works equipment for road rehabilitation in Pleebo Sodoken District.

His request was granted, but he dismissed speculation that the project is being funded by the national government.

Rep. Williams also announced plans to build a new market for Pleebo Town marketeers and construct a sports stadium in Pleebo Sodoken District.

Rep. Williams clarified that these projects are not legislative initiatives but personal efforts to fulfill his campaign promises from the 2023 general elections.

However, Rep. Williams said he was voted into office to bring change by replacing former House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers, and he is working toward that goal.

In closing, the Pleebo Sodoken District lawmaker denied rumors that he has threatened to return equipment belonging to the Ministry of Public Works to Monrovia, stating that his fellow colleagues requested the equipment.

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