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Dismissal Is Imminent At LRRRC, But…

By Grace Q. Bryant
Amid reports that dismissal looms over unspecified number of employees at the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC), a group employees staged a protest at the organization’s headquarters in Congo Town on Tuesday, to counter such plan by management.
Led by Field Supervisor Benjamin T. Gboyo, the employees voiced concerns about job security and alleged unfair management practices.
Gboyo, an employee of LRRRC since 2015, said rumors circulated in the media, including reports from Spoon TV, indicating that several staff members were at risk of being dismissed for absenteeism and misconduct.
“We’ve been hearing bits and pieces, but last night’s report was disturbing, especially for those certain to be dismissed,” Gboyo said.
The employees criticized management’s lack of transparency, particularly regarding a list of staff reportedly submitted for dismissal.
According to Gboyo, the employees were asked to provide justifications for why they should not be dismissed, with management claiming they had failed to work during January, February, and March.
However, Gboyo and his colleagues strongly denied these accusations, insisting they worked diligently during these months, particularly under challenging field conditions. “We were told we did not work for January, February, and March, but we challenge that 100 percent,” he asserted.
Gboyo noted that they had been stationed in rural areas managing refugee resettlement and agricultural projects, often in difficult conditions.
He recounted an instance where management ignored technical advice on the improper use of a refugee site, which exacerbated tensions between field officers and supervisors.
Despite submitting written explanations in response to the dismissal notice, the employees have yet to receive formal communication from management about their status. However, they continue to receive their salaries, which Gboyo believes suggests their jobs may still be secured.
The protest extended beyond the threat of dismissals. Gboyo accused LRRRC Director Patrick Worzie, of creating a hostile work environment, citing favoritism and a lack of support for long-serving staff members.
“Since the director came, things have not been the same. He brought in people from outside, ignoring staff who have been here for years,” Gboyo stated.
One of the most serious allegations raised during the protest was the misappropriation of employees’ salaries. Gboyo claimed that some individuals within LRRRC’s finance department had signed for payments meant for staff but had pocketed the money.
The uncertainty surrounding their future at the organization has left employees feeling marginalized.
Gboyo and his colleagues vowed to keep fighting for their rights, insisting that they deserve fair treatment. “We are being frustrated by management, but we won’t give up. We’ve worked hard and deserve better treatment,” Gboyo concluded.
As the protest continues, employees call on the Civil Service Agency (CSA) to intervene and ensure due process is followed before any dismissals occur. They also demand an investigation into allegations of financial misconduct and mismanagement within the LRRRC.
Jeremiah Karngba, Secretary of Region 11 (Montserrado and Margibi County), also spoke out about irregularities in the dismissal process.
He pointed out that during January, February, and March, some employees, including himself and the regional coordinator, were not accounted for.
Karngba noted inconsistencies in the dismissal list, where two staff members were initially listed for dismissal in March, but additional names appeared later without proper explanation.
Karngba expressed frustration over the lack of communication, explaining that some employees were given only a day’s notice without a clear reason.
He also mentioned that while some employees were suspended, others were dismissed without clarity regarding their contractual status or performance issues.
He highlighted the tension in his region, which has one of the highest employee counts, due to management’s decision to dismiss staff who had worked on COVID-related projects. Despite fulfilling their duties and submitting attendance reports, employees remain uncertain about their future and feel unjustly dismissed.
Karngba further emphasized that field staff, who form a significant part of the workforce, often feel sidelined in favor of contractors. This, he explained, has left long-serving employees feeling overlooked despite their qualifications and years of service.
Karngba, who has served as a protection officer since 2012, calls for fair treatment and better communication from the administration regarding the employment status of affected staff.
The employees remain resolute in their quest for justice, describing the work environment as increasingly hostile and unfair.
When contacted about the allegations, the Public Affairs Director responded, “I am not in the country, and I can’t speak to something I have little to no knowledge about.
But addressing the regular press briefing at MICATA, Minister Piah said Liberia faces increasing public attention regarding corruption allegations in government and announced that the government is looking into allegations of fraud at the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission, which purportedly orchestrated schemes to misappropriate funds intended for repatriated Liberians.
He said President Boakai has expressed deep concerns over these reports and has committed to taking swift action once investigations are completed.
Minister Piah reiterated the government’s zero-tolerance policy on corruption, emphasizing that the administration welcomes whistleblowers and will ensure that any verified corrupt activities are dealt with according to the law.
“We encourage the public to come forward with reports of corruption, and rest assure, investigations will be thorough, and actions will be decisive,” he concluded.

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