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Burns Phelps UMC Honors Laity Of The Year

The edifice of the Burns Phelps Memorial United Methodist Church was a scene of joyous celebration as Mother Rebecca Zenneh was sashed and crowned as Laity of the year, 2024.
Approximately 8.4miles(13.6km) south-east of the Capital, Monrovia, Burns Phelps is ideally situated on the main drive of Cart-Wright Street in the City of Brewerville, Montserrado County.
When commuting on a sedan or on a shared taxi cap, Brewerville is reachable within a span of about 30-minute drive from Monrovia.
On Sunday, October 20, 2024, the Church was about four times its population during regular worship service. On the occasion of the observance of ‘Laity Day’ the edifice was peopled by hundreds of worshippers who showed up to share the joyous moment with the honoree and her family.
As tradition demands in the United Methodist Church, the third Sunday of October each year is set aside to honor laity who demonstrates exceptional stewardship responsibility in the church.
The activities at the church, although held harmoniously, were segmented into two parts. The first part was predominantly in line with the order of the divine worship service and the second part was set aside for the honoring ceremony.
The divine worship service was interspersed with liturgical chanting, mixed renditions from the chorus group and from the hymnal.
The guest preacher for the ceremony, Emmanuel Michael Mano, thrilled the congregation on the theme: “Honor to an Exceptional Laity,” with text of emphasis drawn from Romans 13:1-7.
Mano raised the rhetorical question “Why Honor an Exceptional Laity?” drawing out five striking features, which according to him, made the honoree an “Exceptional Laity.”
First, because her service is not an eye-service or using her service as ‘men pleaser’ (Eph. 6:6-7) Second, because her service goes beyond the church, as it also affects the society (Gal 6:10). Third, because her service is not limited to a particular time. Whether good times or bad times, she’s ready to serve (1Cor.15:58, Job 13:15). Fourth, because she is faithful in service. A faithful laity serves with commitment and excellence. And, fifth, because she is a burden bearer. She looks also on the things of others (Phil. 4:2-6).
The second part of the ceremony consisted of the sashing and crowing of the honoree.
In profiling honoree Zenneh, it was established that she joined the congregation of Burns Phelps United Methodist Church since 2015 and presently serves as the treasurer of the Church.
She had earlier been crowned and sashed as Mother of the Year in the same edifice. With a graduate degree (Master) in Education with emphasis in Supervision and Administration, the honoree’s service to humanity extends beyond the Church.
The ‘Crowned Laity’ works for the United Methodist University as an Associate Dean for Admissions, Records and Registration.
The honoring began with the co-sashing of the honoree by her spouse; Father George Zenneh who told his darling wife (the Honoree) “This honor has not come as a surprise to me because the life of our honoree is characterized by service to the church and humanity at large.”
The co-sashing was followed by the grand sashing which was performed by Father James and Mother Sarah Quire Nah.
In the execution of the task, Mother Nah reminded the honoree that she was chosen to be honored because of her exemplary service, adding “Work while it is day, for when night comes no one is able to work.”
As a prelude to the coronation of the honoree, the outgoing ‘Laity of the Year’, Mother Gertrude Harris, turned over the crown of authority to the Pastor-in-Charge, Jamesetta Capehart Marshall, for onward presentation to the church’s Lay Leader, Mother Josephine Snorton.
Mother Snorton, in line with the organized protocol, called on Dr. Elizabeth K. Harris, Dean of the J. J. Roberts College of Education at the United Methodist University to affect the coronation of the honoree.
Dr. Harris challenged the honoree to continue her hard work and unlimited service for which she was being crowned as the ‘Laity of the Year.’
Meanwhile, the “Crowned Laity of the Year” Mother Zenneh expressed gratitude to the clergy, the leadership of the laity and the membership of the Burns Phelps United Methodist Church for the honor bestowed upon her.
She further thanked the guests who honored her invitation with their presence, adding “Without your support and presence this program would not have achieved its objective and I pledge to continue to work in the vineyard of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

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