The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

Rice Wahala Hits Liberia, But…

By Bill Cooper
The government has announced that a shipment of rice is expected in the country beginning October to early November of this year; which is true to what President George Weah termed as ‘street gossip,’ that there is eminent shortage of the nation’s staple food.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) through a press release on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 said inspectors along with National Security apparatus will not hesitate to take actions where necessary against anyone caught in violation while closely monitoring activities in the market.
President Weah upon his return to the country from the 77th UNGA Summit said there was no rice shortage on the market reiterating, “We need not always listen to the street gossips. This is not the first time it has happened.”
“Those responsible for importing rice say we have rice up to next year. I don’t believe there’s rice scarcity. I believe there is rice. We will verify it again. Don’t listen to the noise in the street,” he said.
Meanwhile, reading a release on behalf of the government, the Deputy Information Minister for Press and Public Affairs, Jalawah Tonpo said, “We want to announced that subsequent supplies of rice totaling over 150,000 metric tons will be in country which will supply the market up to the early part of next year, and this is in addition to the 22,000 metric tons expected in the coming days.”
However, Minister Tonpo assured Liberians that the current stock of rice in country can also serve the market up to the arrival of the next vessel.
He said although there have been delays in the incoming consignments due to vessel restrictions resulting from the ‘Safe Notice’ issued by the National Port Authority (NPA) on August 10, 2022, sufficient rice has been supplied to retailers to serve the general public.
The Minister attributed the shortage of rice on the Liberian market to the high regional pricing of rice above Liberian price something he said has also placed significant pressure on the buffer stock in Liberia.
He said, “Hence, this price discrepancy has given retailers the incentive to hoard rice in order to sell across the border for the sake of profiteering,” the Deputy MICAT boss stressed.
“Over the years, the government set import subsidy at US$5.5 million in the Special 2021budget and US$11 million in the current 2022 budget, respectively. To date, about US$14 million has also been given to importers,” he added.
Meanwhile, Minister Tonpo is calling on the public to remain calm and refrain from panic buying, while at the same time warned retailers to desist from hoarding of the commodity.
“We therefore encourage businesses to continue to carry out unrestricted sale of rice, void of price hiking and profiteering at the expense of the ordinary people. The government remains committed to its PAPD by ensuring riced and other essential commodities remains available and affordable,” he maintained.
Meanwhile, a group of Liberians under the banner “Concerned citizens” sparked a mass protest against the Weah-led Government demanding it to speak on the reported shortage of rice in Liberia.
The concern citizens made the pronouncement on yesterday, October 4, when they appeared on a local radio station in Monrovia pointing out, “We give this government this week address the issue of rice scarcity.”
According to the group’s spokesperson, Liberians are going to bed hungry and the government is sitting supinely as though nothing is happening in the country.
Across the country, tensions are brewing as many persons including business people, especially women are in cue from dust to dawn waiting to purchase at least a bag for their families.
The issue of rice was used by politicians in the 1979 upheaval that resulted in the April 14 rice riot that killed many citizens.
Many Liberians have harbored the belief that Weah-led Government has done nothing to avoid repeated shortage and from the Liberian market and the threats it has on families and businesses.
“Why hasn’t the government said anything up to this time? Our people are going to bed hungry. If there is shortage, confirm it so those who can’t afford can get prepared,” would-be protest said.
It can be recalled prior to the government stance on the situation, African Entertainment observed that several business people were seen exploring all avenues in order to purchase some bags of rice.
According to our Liberia correspondent who toured various warehouse across Monrovia, elderly women were seen battling their male counterpart and jumping over a rice warehouse believed to be owned by Fouani for the product.
Our reporter added that government officials from both the Ministries commerce and Industry and Information, including officers from the Liberia National Police were also denied entry due to huge presence and tussle of crowd.
It can be recalled that about fortnight ago, the have trending noise of rice shortage on the Liberian market thus leading to citizens standing in long queues in front various stores just to buy few bags of rice.
Many Liberians, especially women, were seen at warehouses of rice importers, some jumping over objects to ensure that they procure at least a 25kg bag of the commodity.
As a result of the rice shortage, citizens were also being force by dealers to buy different commodities above LD1000 or its equivalent of US$6.50 to be allowed to purchase a bag of rice, something which many described as “unjust and wickedness.”
“Rice is sold at L$4,020 or US$27 equivalent. The businessman told me before I can buy a bag of rice, I must buy L$1000 (US$6.50) worth of other items that I do not need. Can you imagine that and this is just so unfair,” Mary Weah, a petty trader told journalists.
“I can no longer afford to give my children what they really need in terms of food. The sudden increase in the price of rice means we have to cook less and just manage. It is really getting bad,” Christine Moore also intoned.
In response to the cries of Liberians about the rice situation in the country.

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