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UP Boakai Tests Political Waters In Nimba

By Solomon T. Gaye Sr.
The Standard Bearer of the Unity Party, Joseph Boakai, has made a passionate appeal to Liberians to vote him ahead of CDC George Weah in the presidential and general elections in October 2023.
The former Vice President made the statement when he tested the political waters in Senator Prince Johnson’s Nimba County on September 24, 2022.
“2017 is behind us, and 2023 is just ahead of us. So, my people of Nimba County, let us do the right thing this time to the memory of Jackson Doe and other great sons of Nimba County that have passed on,” VP Boikai appealed.
VP Boakai called on Nimbaians to join him to rescue Liberia from the hands of dictators, greedy people and power seekers who are using the natural resources to enrich themselves adding, “The CDC government lacks administrative ability to rule the country.”
The former Vice President observed that since the coming into power of the CDC government in 2018, many of the government operated sectors including health, education as well as the economy have collapsed; noting there are no drugs in health centers and no education materials for the public school in the country.
The former VP however promised that when elected in 2023, he will work with national and international partners to transform the country in his first three years.
People from all walks of life including former and present government officials, students, marketers, members of the religious community as well as youths turned out in their numbers to welcome the visit of the UP standard bearer and team.
Nimba County is one of the heights in the Liberian electoral process where every presidential candidate would want to befriend for its high number of voters.
According to Commissioner Jefferson Gogor, former VP Boikai was invited to the county under the banner, “Friends for Boakai re-election comes 2023 election” in the country.
The program was held at the Ganta United Methodist Gymnasium under the watchful eyes of the Liberia National Police, ALP’s political leader Benoni Urey, Representative Roger Domah, former Commissioners, chiefs, youths and political observers respectively.
Commissioner Goker said the coming of Boakai to Nimba is a wakeup call to all Liberians including partisans, supporters and friends for the Re-election of Boakai to join the political fight to rescue Liberia comes 2023 presidential and Representative election in the country.
Friends for the re-election of former Vice President Boakai is organized by group of former MIA Commissioners dismissed by Senator Prince Yormie Johnson by the instruction of the CDC-led government upon taking office in 2018.
Vision for Liberia Transformation Party’s chairperson Jeremiah Wapoe donated L$75,000 to the Friends For The Re-Election of VP Boakai as his party’s contribution for the visit in Nimba.

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