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‘Liberia Is Special To Israel”
-President Herzog Tells Liberian Delegation

The President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, has described as “special” his country’s relations with Liberia. President Herzog said both nations have had long-standing diplomatic ties dating back to the formation of the State of Israel.
According to a dispatch, he made the remarks on Monday, June 6, 2022 in Jerusalem when he received a high-level Liberian Government delegation headed by Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel F. McGill, who delivered a special message to the Israeli President and Government on behalf of President George M. Weah.
“Israel has deep respect for Liberia”, the Israeli leader said, while noting that “this visit by the Minister of State and delegation from President George Weah is historic.”
He said Israel considers Liberia a “strategic partner in Africa” and will therefore work to ensure that “our strategic partnership is advanced for the betterment of both countries”.
President Herzog informed the delegation that the potential for all kinds of Israeli investments in Liberia is vast and named trade and commerce, agriculture, education, health and tourism as areas that require concerted approach by both countries for socio-economic development.
“We have all kinds of the expertise to assist Liberia in its development drive so the sooner we start our engagements, the better it will be”, he stressed, while suggesting Israel needs “a big economic delegation to visit Liberia soon.”
The Israeli President also expressed his desire to visit Liberia himself in 2023, saying that “I want to follow in my father’s footsteps”- a reference to the visit of former Israeli President Chaim Herzog to Liberia in 1984.
Earlier, Liberia’s Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel F. McGill, conveyed President Weah’s request for the establishment of a Trade Mission to Jerusalem, while extending the Liberian leader’s sentiments of goodwill to the State of Israel. He recalled the strong ties the both countries have shared since the 1947 when Liberia cast a vital vote in favor of the establishment of the State of Israel at the United Nations.
“President Weah wants to rekindle the historic ties our both countries have relished over the years, that is why we have come to deliver a special message from him as contained in this formal letter he has sent to you and your government,” Minister Mcgill said.
Continuing, he said the establishment of a Trade Mission will set the basis for a full diplomatic representation to Israel in the future.
He briefed President Herzog about the progress Liberia is making under the leadership of President Weah, explaining that in spite of the negative impact of Ebola and Corona viruses on the Liberian economy, President Weah and his team have maintained macroeconomic stability, while keeping the country’s peaceful. This, he said, has been made possible despite the departure of the United Nation Peace Keeping Mission to Liberia.
“Next October will be elections in Liberia and we are committed to ensuring a peaceful democratic process” the Minister of State emphasized.
He then thanked President Herzog for receiving the Liberian delegation and for the warm reception accorded them since their arrival.
Accompanying the Minister of State to the meeting with Israeli President were the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mawine Diggs, Minister of Agriculture, Jeanie Cooper and the Minister of Information, Culture Affairs and Tourism, Ledgerhood Rennie.

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