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Concession Counties Benefit From RRF’s Women Capacity Building Training

By S. Siapha Mulbah (Cub Reporter)
The Rights and Rice Foundation (RRF) embarked on day-long training on women’s advocacy, leadership as well as women participation in land dispute resolution mechanisms among others.
The training forms part of a two-year women’s capacity building project in four concession sensitive counties across Liberia which is being implemented by the Rights and Rice Foundation along with its partners.
The project funded by the UN Women is being implemented in Cape Mount, Nimba, Maryland and Sinoe Counties under the theme “Sustaining Peace and Reconciliation through strengthening land Governance and dispute resolution.”
Speaking at the training session on Wednesday in Grand Cape Mount County, RRF’s gender officer told reporters that her institution hopes to amplify the voices women in Liberia and ensure the equal protection of their rights.
Madam Marie Blake noted that there are several issues confronting women against their male counterpart pertaining to land governance, women participation in community leadership and many more that had been tackled by the trainings.
“We hope that women will be able to advocate for other women in regards to the land manage of various communities including rural parts of Liberia,” she added.
“This will also give men, women and youth the increase knowledge on the local government policies, the land right act and the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms,” Madam Blake maintained.
According to the human rights activist, there is a desperate need to empower women and boost their capacities to smoothly aid the development.
Serving as facilitator at the Bo Waterside Peace Hut, Marie Blake thought the participants methods to enhance their skills and knowledge that will guide a space for them in the society.
In remarks the participants lauded the Rights and Rice Foundation and all it partners for what they termed as an opportunity afforded them to learn new things.
Some committed to ensuring that they as local women will pass on the message of women involvement in to policy making at the community level to others.

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