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“Roads Development
Seriously Undermined”


In a stern and certain move, the Ministry of Public Works through the Office of the Acting Minister, Ruth Coker-Collins, has vowed to open major alleys across the country aimed at mitigating flooding situation that most communities face.
Speaking during a special recognition ceremony held recently at the Ministry of Public Works by several civil society and pro-democracy groups, Minister Collins said roads development in Liberia is constantly undermined by people who have built structures on alleys, thereby violating the Zoning Law.
The industrious Minister received several accolades on behalf of the Ministry of Public Works for overseeing the completion of several projects across the country (Liberia) including: The Dedication of Harper – Cavalla Custom Road in Maryland County, the Dedication of the Second phase of Somalia Drive Road, the Official Completion and Turnover of the New Du River Bridge, the Commissioning of the Presidential Street Lighting Project in Monrovia, and the Completion of the Nagbe’s Town Road including, expediting the Gbarnga – Salayea Road following months of low mobilization, signing of Technical Agreement with the Chinese Government for the construction of Two Overpass Bridges in Congo Town, finalizing the Contractual Agreements for Ganta – Saclepea, as well as from Tappita – Toe’s Town in Grand Gedeh County, amongst others.
For his part, Jeremiah Paye who spoke on behalf of the four organizations ( Ecowas Civil Society Movement of Liberia, Women Initiative Network of Liberia, Professional Network of Paynesville and Coalition of Youth and Students for Better Liberia) praised the Ministry of Public Works through Minister Collins for the timely completion of several infrastructural projects.

The Civil Society Activist also called on the Ministry to do more as part of efforts to improve the lives of taxpayers through the provision of basic, social services.

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