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Deserves No Extension”
…Nimbaians Remind Lawmakers

By Alex Yomah
Nimbaians through their representatives say the French steel giant Arcelormittal has not proven worthy to the people of Liberia to deserve expansion.
They made the statement through their District 7 Representative, Roger Domah that they are not pleased with the extension of the company’s operations in Liberia.
Among the promises being reneged upon by the company, is the Mineral Development Agreement entered into with government of Liberia to renew all the structures left behind by previous LAMCO, an agreement, they said is yet to be implemented.
“Go and the see structures that were erected by LAMCO, they are deplorable; the company refused to build housing units for its workers and has also failed to provide land rental fees,” they reiterated.
However, the lawmaker asserted that the people of his district and Nimba have sounded a caveat to their respective representatives and senators that no citizen in his or her rightful mind would reject a company in a district but “Our people are even calling for the annulment of the company’s contract because it is not in compliance with the MDA.”
Scores of Nimba citizens including youth groupings, elders and activists met again in Monrovia yesterday with a renewed petition for Nimba lawmakers to present to their colleagues their rejection of Arcelormittal’s new deal until the country’s demands are met.
Meanwhile Representative Domah is urging his colleagues to ensure that people within the company’s affected areas are satisfied.
Speaking to a team of legislative reporters on Capitol Hill, Rep. Domah admonished his colleagues on Tuesday saying that ahead of the decision on ArcelorMittal’s new deal, people from the affected areas have raised countless concerns which must be thoroughly considered before any decision is reached.
As part of their concerned, the residents explained that Arcelormital-Liberia has refused to improve all affected communities as enshrined in the Mineral Development Agreement.
The Nimba County Lawmaker quoting his kinsmen stated, “Our people complained that the company has refused to pay land rental fees as was agreeed upon.”
Their complaint, among other issues, ranged from failure to implement MDA to the construction of hospitals, housing units.

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