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Faith and Justice Network
Discusses rule of law, others


The Faith and Justice Network has ended a day-long dialogue on adherence to the rule of law, guarantor for peace, justice, social cohesion and prosperity for the nation.
The aim of the dialogue is to sensitized issues that are cardinal to the economic growth and development of the country as well adhering to the rule of law and setting standard for justice and peace.
The ceremony brought together participants from various entities, stakeholders, the House of Legislature and members of the Christian community.
Serving as keynote speaker, the President of the University of Liberia, Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson commended the government under the leadership of President George M. Weah for involving the religious community in 2018, during the crafting of the national development of the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development( PAPD) which is pillow’s three goal.
”Let me add my voice to others that it is about time that the national government and peace building office see the churches as critical partners for development, both for policy transformation and implementation,” he intoned.
Prof. Nelson explained that the rule of law and development are strongly interlinked to strengthen the country, adding that the society should be considered as an essential tool for peace, justice, social cohesion and prosperity for the nation.
According to him, research shows that rule of law correlates with higher economic growth, peace, less inequality, improved health outcomes and more education to foster employment and transformation.
“Let it be known that faith actors often should hold the trusted position in their communities and have considerable influence to shift attitude and behavior and sometimes where government can’t reach, faith leaders are critical partners in building sustainable peace provided their services because they too adhere to the law,” the UL President pointed out.
Dr. Nelson applauded the Board of Directors of the Faith and Justice Network and the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church in Liberia for the program on promoting citizens’ participation in public policies formulation and implementation through Churches in Liberia for which they gathered for the 6th edition which is a commendable initiative.

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