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17 Former Drug Addicts Get Rehabilitated


It was an emotional scene when 17 young men graduated from the Center for Rehabilitation and Reintegration (CFRR), under the sponsorship of Montserrado County Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon, in Paynesville.
The ceremony, held over the weekend, marked the third graduation exercise of “disadvantaged youths” who went under intensive detoxification and rehabilitation processes at the center.
In the presence of parents and guardians, government officials, and international guests, among others, the young men were filled with joy while reminiscing on their horrific experiences as drug addicts.
Speaking at the event, the Rehab’s CEO and Founder, Senator Dillon, a vocal advocate for the rehabilitation of ‘disadvantaged youths’, underscored the importance of providing support and opportunities for individuals battling addiction.
He applauded the graduates for their bravery and loyalty to overcoming their challenges, urging society to welcome them with empathy and understanding.
“Parents, treat your loved ones with care, encourage them, and do not be the cause for them to go into relapse. To the graduates, I urge you to be ambassadors of this place. Encourage your friends out there to come to the Rehab,” he added.
Commenting on the two previous graduation exercises, Senator Dillon disclosed that none of the clients who graduated has gone into relapse.
He further revealed that the CFRR does not just rehabilitate but also follows up on its graduates to ensure that they do not relapse.
Addressing the gathering, Senate Pro-temp, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, reechoed the magnitude of the drug epidemic in the country, stating that the sacrifice being rendered by Senator Dillon and other individuals is for the next generation of leaders.
“This sacrifice is for the generation after us. We, as leaders, are obligated to ensuring that there is a future for the generation after us. We will work with the board of CFRR to support the facility we donated to the center in Buchanan to incorporate girls,” she said.
The Center for Rehabilitation and Reintegration is a self-initiative by Montserrado County Senator, Abe Darius Dillon, with support from friends and partners both in Liberia and the United States of America.
Since its establishment, CFRR has graduated dozens of young people who were rehabilitated by the professional staff of the institution.

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