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The Press Union of Liberia has released its Quarterly Alert Report on Activities of journalists in Liberia which covers the period of January and March 2022.
The Media Alert Reports are characterized by the death, threats, attack and intimidation of Liberian journalists by State Actors, non- state actors, supporters of Politicians and some members of the public.
The Alert Reports also highlight other major issues, including critical analysis of the trend being taken by the Liberian media environment, considering the nature of space being offered by state actors for the media to function.
The current Alert Report of the PUL, University of Liberia and Volunteer for Sustainable Development in Africa VOSIEDA/Media Alert Office with sponsorship from the United Nations Democracy Fund, shares light on attacks, threats, lawsuit and intimidation of the media by individuals in the public and private sectors.
This Report contains four attacks, one brutality and two threats, on Journalist Franklin Doloque, Radio Tamba-tiakor in Foya , reporters David Nawah and Patrick T. Saah, of Voice of Liberia (VOL), Journalist Bobby M. Tingban of Hott FMF/TV, Rivercess County Journalist Oldpa Eric Dou and Journalist Rocheford T Gardiner of Radio Phoenix of Tubman University in Maryland County.
This Alert is in collaboration with VOSIEDA, UL with Sponsorship for UNDEF, as part of its Media Development Program.
The Press Union of Liberia is calling on the journalism community to help publicize these Alert reports as these publications hold a lot to the future of the Media in Liberia, relative to exposing any unfavorable cloud that may be hanging over us as journalists.

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