The House of Representatives has requested the appearance of authorities of the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) before a joint committee to state plans for repatriating Liberians from the diaspora to Bong County.
A release issued Thursday, May 16, by the House’s Press Bureau, named the committee as Resettlement, Repatriation, Relief, Readjustment, Good Governance and Government Reform.
According to the release, Plenary took the decision following a communication from Bong County District 5 Representative, Eugene Kollie.
“I wish to bring to your attention that the Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) is currently constructing temporary plastic-coated (tarpaulin) dwellings in SKT, Suakoko District, Bong County, to host Liberians that are identified to be repatriated,” Rep. Kollie wrote.
According to him, in as much as it is good to have Liberians back home, it is an internationally accepted practice for said repatriation to be established on a broad-based consultation, especially with the community that is expected to host the repatriated citizens.
He said if such process is not properly done, like the case with the LRRRC’s planned repatriation process in Suakoko, it could possibly result in socio-cultural conflict.
“To enhance smooth repatriation and subsequent integration of our fellow Liberians who are to be repatriated, I am herein pleading your indulgence to invite the Executive Director of the LRRRC to respond to the other key issues, including the EPA-approved management of the environmental stewardship of the temporary structures that are expected to host repatriated Liberians,” he alerted.
The Bong County District 5 Representative wants clarity surrounding the standardized social safeguard measures adopted by the LRRRC for the Suakoko repatriation processes, and the land acquisition processes that were used for the securitization of the livelihood of both the community and Liberians to be repatriated.
He also wants the LRRRC to explain about the sustainable livelihood and socio-cultural integration mechanism being adopted by the LRRRC for said repatriation process, and the security issues adopted by the LRRRC to accompany and sustain the repatriation in Suakoko for the betterment of all Liberians.
Meanwhile, authorities of LRRRC are expected to appear before the joint committee next week Tuesday.
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