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Who Is Blocking Former First Lady Nancy Doe From Meeting “Manneh?”


By Atty Philip N. Wesseh (PNW)

As I have said repeatedly that whenever I do a piece to call President George Manneh Weah’s attention to an issue, I would refer to him by his middle or given name, “Manneh” not with disrespect or in a derogatory manner, but in keeping with Kru tradition.

In that aspect of the tradition, whenever people are called in such manner, it is all about drawing their attention to something which they may not be aware of or which needs to be handled by them. I use a quotation mark on the middle name to give it a special meaning or attention.

Equally, if it is something complimentary, our people would call one by his or her nickname. For example the name, “Wleh,“ which means longevity in Kru, they would refer to such person as “KOKO;” also if one is “Nimely,” our people would refer to one’s nickname, Tommy.”

Frankly, if this is so, it simply means who has done something that deserves praises. But if it is the other way around, as said earlier, it means you have to solve a situation or change in attitude and behavior.

And so today, when I refer to the President by his middle name, it is all about drawing his attention to something I feel needs his attention. Personally, as an administrator, I believe that the leader might not be in the know of everything taking place or that needs the attention of the leader.

Sometimes this occurs because those who should do so would, for some reasons, whether selfish or not, fail to bring such issue to the leader’s attention. Sadly to note, as a result, the leader takes the blame as people may think that he or she is aware, but failed to act accordingly to bring relief.

Yesterday, while listening to LBS morning news broadcast, I gathered that former First Lady Nancy B. Doe has been making frantic efforts to meet President Weah, but has been prevented or has not been given the opportunity to meet the President to discuss some issues. She, in a frustrating manner, blamed some people around the President for creating this bottleneck or blockade for which, she has not been able to meet the President.

Even though I did not hear why she really wants to meet the President, it can be recalled that sometimes ago, it was reported that the former First Lady prevailed in a legal matter concerning the properties of her and her late husband, former President Samuel K. Doe. Legally, “prevailed” in this sense means she was successful or won her case. I even heard that she has been finding it difficult for the enforcement of the court’s ruling regarding the award given to her.

Award in law means, “to concede; to give by judicial determination; to rule in favor of after an evaluation of the facts, evidence, or merits. The decision made by a panel of arbitrators or commissioners, a jury, or other authorized individuals in a controversy that has been presented for resolution.”

Perhaps, it is because of this she wants to meet the President ”to get his blessing.” as we say in Liberia.

I am lionizing this issue to draw Manneh’s attention to the plight of the former First Lady. In fact, providing whatever assistance, would be a good public relation for him and the government.

Today, those on the stage should remember that there is a tomorrow during which time they would also be referred to as “former”, therefore, it is advisable and prudent, to care for today’s formers, so that it would be a culture that tomorrow if one should become a former, so that such care and concern would continue.

We have to accord our former leaders due respect, courtesy, concern and respect for serving society. It all may not have been faultless, but one way or the other, they did contribute to the society.

Lest to talk about her husband, the Late Samuel Doe, who among other things put Liberia on the map in international soccer, something that inspired now President Weah, who won many accolades in international soccer, and other local players to go international.

Noticeably, this is why at one time there was an attempt during the Interim Government of National Unity (IGNU) to change the SKD Sports Complex’s name to another, but that was vehemently repudiated because of her late husband’s contribution to sports in this country.

For this and other reasons, let this matter or concern of the former First Lady claim the attention of the President.

Besides, his wife, First Lady, Clar Weah, now First Lady, the Mother of the nation, should take seize of this. Remember, there is always a tomorrow when one would no longer be on the stage, as the saying goes, “do onto others as you want them to do onto you tomorrow”.

I Rest My Case

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