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Western Region MAP Platform officially launched
…Stakeholders Endorse Key Products, Modes of Operation


Stakeholders from the three western region counties of Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu and Bomi convened in the city of Tubmanburg – Bomi County, to officially launch the Multi-Actor Platform on Land Governance and Responsible Agricultural Investment, the MAP Liberia Land Platform (MAP) authorities have said.
The Western Region MAP, is now the first of three regional structures (Western, South-Eastern and North-Central) envisioned to be established under the decentralization approach of the MAP.
The Launching Forum brought together 30 participants comprising representatives of agencies of government, academia and research institutions, civil society organizations, the private sector and local communities.
Following deliberations, delegates at the regional forum took some key decisions in consideration of how the regional MAP would function. Those decisions include: defining clear thematic areas and developing terms of references, reviewing and adopting the organizational structure of the regional MAP, defining tenures of leadership (for regional conveners and county facilitators) as well as outlining and agreeing upon clearly defined channels of communication and mode of coordination – at the regional level and with the national secretariat.
The forum ended with an official declaration to launch the western region MAP. Ms. Jenneh Kemokai, Chairperson of Civil Society in Grand Cape Mount County read the 10 counts declaration for the delegates.

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