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Saclepea-Grand Gedeh Route Worrisome In Nimba


By Solomon T. Gaye
The deplorable road condition between Saclepea-Grand Gedeh Highway is hampering free movement of vehicles and has begun making traveling worrisome for its commuters.
Speaking in Saclepea, Catherine Bohn said the condition along the Tappita to Grand Gedeh route is worrisome and that farmers as well as marketers are beginning to complain about the transportation of their goods from Nimba to Grand Gedeh.
According to Madam Bohn, the road is paved from Saclepea Bridge to Kpatuo Town but from Zuorplay Town junction to Tappita is cut off as a result of the heavy downpour of rain.
“Many vehicles are all stranded in the mud near Tappita after passing Volay Town when leaving the Nimba side of Saclepea,” Bohn revealed.
“Tappita market day is Wednesday but, many of us don’t attend because of the bad road; if you want to sell in Wednesday Market, you will have to leave on Monday to be able to reach in time,” a female police officer asserted.
Rubber farmer Julius Wilson explained that the bad road between Tappita and Gblor Dialah is creating serious hardship in transporting rubber crops from Gbor clan to Saclepea for business transaction.
The pavement project of the road along the Saclepea-Tappita Highway is in two phases; with CRSG equipment, its workers have pave about 30 Km of the road from Saclepea Bridge to Kpatuo Town.
From Kpatuo Town on the Tappita Highway, CRSG is busy clearing the mud for stranded vehicles to pass from the mud from both sides of the road.
In separate remarks, the Kweepea Zone Chief, Dokro Gaye, revealed that Tappita-Zwedru h
Highway has turned a no-go-zone due to the bad road during the heavy down pour of rain.
“Passengers from Gblor Kweepea to Tappita paid LD 1000 while from Zuodru to Tappita is LD 2,000 in transportation” zone chief Dokro lamented.

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