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Numopoh Forest Community Doubts New Leadership Capability


Residents of Numopoh Forest Community have elected new code of officers of the Community Forest Management Body (CFMB) that will steer the affairs of the community forest for the next five years.
However, there are concerns that the new leadership is likely to engage the wrong company that may exploit the forest and leave community members vulnerable like the previous company because though elected, the residents think that the leadership lacks the capacity to deliver.
Those elected from the CFMB are, Sam Kelgbeh, Chief Officer; Charles Togba, Secretary; Jamesetta Pennoh, Treasure; Alexander Taryon and Alphanso Chelleh, members while those from the Community Assembly (CA) include, Cepheus Nyanwleh, Chairperson, Lincoln Cole, Co-Chairperson; Sardia Flahn, Secretary; Mullar Karmoh, Finance Officer.
The new leadership, which according to them lacks the capacity, takes over at the time the community members are contemplating on hiring a new logging contractor following the termination of the initial contract with Delta Timber Company (DTC) for failing to implement the social agreement it signed with the community in May 2016.
Meanwhile, the election was conducted on March 13, 2022 in keeping with the 2009 Community Rights Law, which among others, mandates forest communities to conduct election after every five years.
“Our time has expired and we do not want to be like other people who do not respect the rule of law, and so we have officially turned over power to the newly elected officials who were inducted into offices a week ago,” the outgoing CFMB Chief Officer, Bill Karmoh explained.
Bill Karmoh said he was happy to turn over power to the new leadership, adding that, he is available to share his experience with the newly elected officials and hopes that the new leadership will introduce new plan of action that will represent the developmental needs of the larger community.
The new Chief Officer, Sam Kelgbeh is said to be concerned about the poor capacity challenge among the community new leadership even though he and his code of officers look determined to make a change; such determination can only be backed by strong capacity building support.
Kelgbeh said coming on board as a new leadership, they will ensure firstly, to work with FDA and partners in making sure that the boundary issue between Numopoh and Tartweh is meticulously handled to the satisfaction of all parties. The Chief Officer of the Numopoh CFMB has meanwhile craved for training opportunities for members of the new leadership in financial and project managements, forest monitoring and forest laws and regulations with emphasis on the Community Rights Law which mandates community to own, control and manage their forests and its resources.

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