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National Council Leadership Election Next …As Nimba Hosts Superintendents’ Orientation W’shop


By Solomon T Gaye
The Ministry of Internal Affairs is expected to hold election for the National Council of Chiefs new leadership following a national orientation workshop local administrators which kicked off yesterday in Ganta, Nimba County.
The Deputy Minister for Research and Development Planning at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Edward Mulbah said the program is designed to train superintendent across the 15 counties about the functions in their respective county.
“The launched of this historical program will help decrease corruptions and bring about accountability and transparency when using County and Social Development Funds in the county,” Mulbah remarked.
Superintendent Kou Gono thanked the government on behalf of her colleagues for the week-long program and for selection of Nimba as the host of the program.
“The Local Government Act introduces pure democracy and citizens’ participation in national decision making as well as accountability and transparency,” Superintendent Gono stated.
The Internal Affairs Minister, Francis Nyumalin, said the local government and decentralization is the transforming vehicle of the Unity Party-led government of President Joseph Boakai.
“The workshop will last for five days and will cover local government and decentralization, the roles and responsibilities of county administration, bill seeking to establish the Ministry of Local Government, among others,” the minister disclosed.
Speaking on behalf of the President Boakai, Vice president Jeremiah Koung pledged the government’s support to work with the 15 counties’ superintendent to carry out the government’s agenda that is geared toward developments of the country.
“The President send me to inform you that he will work with every one of you in supporting this government’s agenda,” VP Koung boasted.

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