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Masonic Temple Identifies With Orphans


A group of Liberians under the banner: “Naomi Chapter No.12, Order of the Eastern star O. S./RL and Cedar Lodge No.14, AF & AM Grand Masonic Temple, West Benson Street Monrovia Liberia” on yesterday identified with a group of orphans identified as Americans for African Orphanage Home in Paynesville community.
Making the presentation in the Paynesville community, Worthy Sister Rosa W. Allen who headed the delegation to the Orphanage Home said, as part of the group’s Annual donation program sought to identify with disadvantaged children.
She named the items in three different categories including toiletries, clothing and food for the children to have as meal; clothing and sanitizers for bathroom in the facility that is lodging them as a home.
Other donated items include, 15 bags of 25kg rice, red palm oil, Argo oil, cream of wheat, quaker oats, sardines, fish, sugar, powdered milk, butter and flour among others.
The toiletries include 10 sacks of toilet tissues, cartons of bath and washing soap, bags of tide soap, Clorax, clothing and pampers.
For her part, the director of the Americans for Africans orphanage Home, Oretha James lauded Naomi Chapter No.12 OES/RL for the donation, noting that the gesture had always been seen at the orphanage since 2010.
She said after the civil war in Liberia, there was a rapid increase in the number of street children across Monrovia, and as a result, the crisis prompted the establishment of the orphanage in 2001.
“For and on behalf of the children and staff at the Americans for Africans Orphanage, I want to say thank you to the Naomi Chapter who has been so supportive to us since 2010 when some of the children here were smaller than who they are today,” she added.

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