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LEC Employees Threatens To ‘Shut Down’ Power If…


By Bill W. Cooper
Several aggrieved employees of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) yesterday staged a protest in demand of the immediate dismissal of three of the Corporation’s senior staffs.
The aggrieved employees who besieged the entire compound of the entity were chanting anti-LEC slogan with threats to shut down the entire power grade if authorities of the corporation failed to immediately dismiss, Jason Turner, Noel Walsh and Peter Egbdor.
According to the employees, the three senior staffers are noted for allegedly harassing and intimidating employees.
The protest action which stalled normal working activities of the Corporation on the Bushrod Island as the aggrieved employees in frustration resolved to lay down their tools as they shut down the dispatcher’s office.
The protesting employees also besieged the warehouse that hold a huge consignment of LEC meters, cables and transformers as well as the main entrance of the compound thereby preventing vehicles from leaving and coming into the premises.
The aggrieved employees narrated that they also lost one of their colleagues on Monday, July 5, as a result of an abrupt letter of dismissal served him without prior notice from the three top staffs at the Corporation.
“This is totally unfair to us as employees of this Corporation because we cannot have three ‘heartless’ human beings in top managerial positions. Enough is enough! And this has to stop now,” the aggrieved employees emphasized.
They further accused the LEC and its entire management of being involved in serious bad labor practices, adding that there is a need that management also gives back the 30 percent that was cut from their salaries.
Meanwhile, the aggrieved LEC employees have also threated to continue their protest if the management fails to adhere to all of their counts in the soonest possible time.

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