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Jurors Hang Verdict In Chicken Soup Factory Murder Trial


By Grace Q. Bryant
The 12-member trial jurors of Criminal Court “A” has unanimously handed down guilty verdict on defendant Valintgon Kaiser for the Crime of Murder.
After carefully listening to the final arguments between the Prosecution and the Defense Lawyers, the Criminal Court A Judge Roosevelt Willie charged a 12-man Juror to proceed to their room of deliberation while out of twelve, ten jurors voted guilty and two was in favor of the defendant.
Judge Willie ordered the Clerk of the Court to do a written communication to the Minister of Justice to do an investigation in the defendant’s character where he lived prior to the death of the deceased indicating that if he had gone to school, church, then that report should be submitted to the court.
According to Judge Willie, the said report will enable the court to make an informed decision regarding the sentencing of defendant Kaiser and maintained that the sentencing hearing will be conducted on March 9, therefor all parties are advised to take cognizant of the time.
During the argument, the prosecution told the Jurors to hand down a guilty Verdict against the defendant on ground that all of their witnesses’ testimonies were collaborative.
Prosecution further argued that the deceased Fatu should have traveled in July of last year, but defendant Kaiser stabbed the deceased multiple times.
While the defense also argued that the jurors should hand down a not guilty verdict against the defendant on ground that the prosecution did not prove its case against the defendant.
According to the defense the Liberia National Police did a terrible work by bringing the wrong person to Court.
It can be recalled that when the case was called for hearing; defendant Kaiser pleaded not guilty to the alleged crime of murder, therefore Prosecution produced four witnesses while the defense produced two witnesses.
The indictment said that on May 15, 2022 at the 7:38 p.m. in the LPRC Community in Gardnersville Township, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, defendant Valintgon B. Kaiser alias Bishop Killed the deceased Fatu Blasuah.
The indictment also said that defendant Kaiser went behind a zinc structure and the deceased Fatu Blasuah followed at which time she was stabbed multiple times by Kaiser with a green handled-knife on her neck and hands, thus making her to bleed profusely until her death.

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