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Health System At Risk In Grand Kru County? …As Residents Demand CHO Recalled


Following the appointment of a Grand Kru County Health Officer by Senator Albert Tugbe Chie to Champion his reelection bid, some residents of the county have expressed fear over the county’s health system, saying it is a risk for a medical doctor to be involved with politics during and after the conduct of the crucial October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

The current County Health Officer, Dr. Woyee Wreh, has abandoned his medical work and he is seen during working hours campaigning and wearing the party (CDC) beret and t-shirt.
Many residents have criticized the appointment of Dr. Wreh, given the general belief that the health sector is non-political.

Some residents have termed and described the health system in the county as being at great risk and under threat, especially to those who are contesting against the Grand Kru Senator, Albert Tugbe Chie.
“This won’t be only here, but we will take it to the letter that Dr. J. Woyee Wreh be relocated to a different county, because we cannot allow our health center mess with politics,” they narrated in their comments.

“Dr. Wreh, as a professional medical doctor, must do the needful and rescind his appointment, so as to avoid judgment at the “Court of Public Opinion”. It’s ethically wrong for him to even accept to function in such fashion as we gear towards one of the most critical times in our country’s history,” they continued.
According to a release of appointment lists from the offices of Senator Albert Tugbe Chie, a copy of which is in our possession, the Grand Kru County Health Officer, Dr. J. Woyee Wreh, has been appointed as the Coordinator for all Stakeholders for Senator Chie’s 2023 reelection campaign team.
Meanwhile, Dr. Wreh has acknowledged and accepted his appointment, while vowing a robust campaign to reelect the Senator.

The Health Officer’s acceptance message to the people of the County in Grand Kru related platforms states;
“Until anyone can provide the section of the Code of Conduct that my appointment has violated as a civil servant, I wholeheartedly accept my appointment as a Coordinator for Professional Stakeholders on the indefatigable team of Prof. Albert Tugbe Chie.
“For your information, I am not an appointee of the President but a civil servant, noting that the law is the law, so let’s use the law against me and not mere sentiments replete with cheap propaganda,” he challenged.

Dr. Wreh continued in the Grand Kru related platforms in his statement; “Long live the three Hebrew brothers in George Forkay Klondike Jlahleh Gbekugbeh Tarpeh Manneh Saykozie Weah, Pro temp, Prof. Albert Tugbe Chie, and Deputy Speaker Hon. Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Koffa, on a ONE ROUND VICTORY.”
The Health Officer has since begun appearing on local radio talk shows, massively campaigning for the three statesmen in Grand Kru County.

Meanwhile, the Chair for the Liberia Medical and Dental Council, Dr. Benetta Andrews, said even though there are no laws or policies that prevent medical doctors from campaigning for a particular candidate, it is ethically wrong because those who attend the health facilities are from different political institutions.

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