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Gov’t Provides Bulk Of Funding For House’s Reform Forum


By Grace Q. Bryant
Report says the government contributed a little over US$ 16,000 of a total amount of US$ 16,062.50 spent by the House of Representatives for the just ended Reform Forum.
The financial contribution from the House ensured the smooth operation of key components essential for the success of the event.
The House of Representatives’ three-day Reform Forum was aimed at discussing methods of implementing Legislative reforms.
The Reform which begins June 20-23 was held at Farmington Hotel in Margibi County over the weekend and brought together 69 Representatives, international partners and staffers.
This amount covered the secretariat, facilitators, media, and Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for members.
The House in partnership with the European Union, Sweden Sverige, Irish Aid, UNDP, and UN Women conducted the Forum under the theme: Responsive Law-making, Proactive Oversight and People-Cantered Representation.
Speaker Fonati Koffa expressed gratitude to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and other partners for their substantial support stating, “We remain grateful to the UNDP for its unwavering partnership and assistance.”
Speaker Koffa described the support of UNDP and other partners as crucial in making the forum a success asserting, “It is noteworthy that in additional to technical support the accommodation and feeding expenses were generously covered by partner organizations, alleviating a significant portion of the overall cost.”
He said the House will publish a full financial report after the Forum and will also brief the public on the outcomes of the Forum reiterating that the House under his leadership will continue to uphold openness and transparency as the members discharge their constitutional responsibilities.
The Reform Forum will generate follow-up activities and initiatives that will leverage cooperation between the House of Representatives and donor partners to materially improve governance in Liberia.

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