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Burglary On Capitol Hill Scares Legislators


By Bill W. Cooper
This is rather a scary news as report emanating from the Legislature says thugs invaded the Capitol Building offices of Gbarpolu County Senator, Amara Konneh and others, stealing some valuable documents, cash and other belongings.
The incident, according to the Senator Konneh took place over the weekend, but was shocked and left wondering as to how these individuals managed to break into his office amidst the presence of security personnel at the Capitol.
In his Facebook post, the Gbarpolu County Senator disclosed, “I am sad to report that my Senate office in the Capitol Building was burglarized over the weekend.”
“The burglars entered through the back window, ransacked the office, and made away with documents related to the MedTech investigation, a log of compensation and gasoline benefits my staff and I have received since February, and LRD 10,000 office petty cash for staff lunch.
I am told that two other Senators’ offices were affected by the burglary. I’m reporting this here for two reasons: 1) the public needs to know when criminals break into a public building,” he revealed.
Konneh further said,, “We and our staff’s safety matters, and to create awareness concerning any stringent security measures the Legislature may put in place to protect lawmakers, their staffers, and public records to prevent a recurrence. This is very unfortunate. Our Pro Temp has launched an investigation.”
Meanwhile, the anti-burglary Unit of the Police is currently investigating the burglary into the three offices of the Senators.
A Senate press release quoted the Senate Director of Security, Dyonicious Wisseh as saying the offices that were victimized include, Senators Amara Konneh, Joseph Jallah and Thomas Yaya Nimely of Gbarpolu, Lofa and Grand Gedeh counties respectively.
Director Wisseh disclosed that an amount of LD10, 000, US$270 worth of gasoline as well as documents intended for Medtech and Cargo Tracking Note (CTN) investigation were taken away from the office of the three Senators as well as four Laptops.
Also, two laptops and a small phone were taken away from the office of Senator Nimely and disclosed that they have arrested Officer Siafa Kamara who was serving as duty commander and placed behind bars at the LNP as a prime suspect based on conflicting statement during the preliminary investigation.
The release added that this is the second time in less than two months for burglary to take place at the Liberian Senate Which Director Wesseh termed as a criminal organized gang probably within the Senate Security.

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