Youth Connekt Liberia has concluded a day-long policy dialogue on boosting public private partnership and other issues concerning the youth environment in Liberia.
The one day program sponsored by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) at the Monrovia City Hall yesterday brought together approximately hundreds of young people from across the country to talk to policy makers and international delegates to aid their society.
According to Youth Connekt coordinator, Joseph M.D Johnson, the dialogue was intended to discuss key points about the youth with emphasis on the Nation Youth Policy crafted in 2019 as Youth Connekt is working in 28 countries in Africa to adopt and implement policies on youth nothing that dialogues of such are needed in the process.
He noted the importance of having the Liberian National Youth Policy and Action Plan to the participants as to open their minds to their involvement in national decision making.
Deputy Youth and Sports Minister, Mr. Isaac Doe represented the Government of Liberia at the occasion, Minister Doe revealed that the youth of every country around the world holds the future and betterment plan of nations.
He called on youth to desist from what he called old age problem of throwing stones and protestation as a means of seeking redress to situations confronting them and take dialogues as a remedy.
“The only way to solve problems is to sit, disagree, agree, talk and see how we can find a way forward. The future of our country definitely lies in our hands. What happens tomorrow is the result of what happens now,” Min. Doe added.
Presenting on the National action Plan, he said Liberia needs more patriotic people that educated ones because patriotism in his view will calls for better allocation of state resources.
For her part, UNDP Youth Focal Person, Madam Bendu K. Zaizay cautioned that youth gathering to take advantage of the dialogue in a way that the message in their interest is sent across.
She maintained that UNDP globally recognized the efforts of youth connect and remains committed to the partnership not just for youth but Liberia and other countries.
The program was organized by the Youth Connekt Liberia chapter at Youth Connekt Africa, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and sports with support from UNDP on the Theme, “Boosting Public-Private Sector Partnership to Harnessing Youth Skills, Creativity and Entrepreneurship.”