World Bank Holds ‘End Poverty’ Engagement

The World Bank Liberia office has held engagements with Liberia on strategies and discussions to end poverty and contribute to development and other growth processes in the country.

The End Poverty day that is celebrated in September of each year according to the moderation was delayed by the bank for some administrative and global reasons.

On November 30, 2022 the bank as part of many initiatives held dialogue and facilitation with scores of young people on the World Bank’s engagements to elevate the world from extreme poverty and outlined projects and programs that are in line currently shifting Liberia positively along with the region.

Giving opening remarks on the World Bank portfolio, the Bank’s Officer-In-Charge, Carol Wambogu presented an outlook of the World Bank’s engagement specifically in Liberia with focus on supporting sectors captured.

With the theme of the program “Navigating an Uncertain World” Madam Wambugu intimated that all efforts are being applied by the bank to collaborate with the Government of Liberia in addressing poverty that will put the country on par with the global community that is currently taking effect.

According to her, there are about 24 national projects currently ongoing by the World Bank in Liberia with four regional ones affecting Ivory Coast, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in the tone of about 900 million United States Dollars.

She said US$ 829 Million is the cost of the national projects that shared across programs of agriculture, education, energy and others in Liberia with emphasis on the Recovery of Economic Activity for Liberia Informal Sector Employment (REALISE) Project.

She maintained that ending poverty should be a fight for all countries so that lives can be transformed as the World Bank envisioned despite natural disasters and other global shots like COVID and the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Deputy Finance Minister for Economic Management, Augustus Flomo presented on the Macroeconomic situations of Liberia as he gave the government’s perspective on other critical economic issues in the country.

Minister Flomo outlined government’s partnerships and innovations that are in line with the regime’s administrative framework of the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development to improve the livelihood of Liberians.

“We are glad as a government for the works done by the World Bank in Liberia and its many partnerships both national and regional. The ‘end poverty’ event is a great initiative and we will continue to work harder in having it impacting Liberia and the region,” he added.

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