Will Liberia Extradite Mohammed Yaetey Turay? …. As Justice Requests Subpoena On GSM Companies

By Grace Q. Bryant

The Ministry of Justice is requesting Criminal Court “A” to issue a Writ of Subpoena Duces Tecum to both GSM Corporations, to provide details on call logs of the alleged coup plot leader, former Chief Superintendent of Sierra Leonean Police, Mohammed Yaetey Turay.

A Subpoena Duces Tecum is a type of subpoena that requires the witness to produce a document or documents pertinent to a proceeding.

Chief Superintendent Mohammed Yaetey Turay has been residing in Liberia since March 2022. He was dismissed from the Sierra Leone Police in May 2020. He was among several other officers who were dismissed, while others were forced into retirement.

The Minister of Justice, Frank Musa Dean, also ordered for the Cell number 0880403484, as well as name, photo, address, cell ID, Imei text messages, and location of the subscriber of the accuser, which runs from period June 1, 2023 to August 4, 2023.

According to the Ministry release, the purpose of the request is to assist the Liberia National Police to conclude an ongoing investigation.

The Ministry’s decision was based on a complaint filed by the Head of the Interpol -NCB- Monrovia, stating that, “We wish to inform you that the Interpol Division of the Liberia National Police is currently investigating an alleged subversion/ treason case which allegedly occurred in July of 2023 in the Republic of Sierra Leone,” the complaint noted.

The complaint maintained that according to the Sierra Leonean investigative documents, several Leonean Nationals who have organized and supported the subversion are staying in Liberia, precisely the capital, Monrovia.

“We herewith request a writ of Subpoena to be served on both GSM communication Companies, in order to make available, call logs on the above GSM numbers from the period of June 1 to August 4, 2023, prior to and after the incident where these calls were transmitted and terminated,” Interpol ordered.

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