Weah’s Re-election Bid Swells, But…

By Precious D. Freeman

Several citizens across Montserrado and its environs have assured President George M. Weah of his re-election over the opposition’s failure to unite ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

Conducting an exclusive interview yesterday on the views of the citizens about the up-coming Presidential Election, majority of them explained that it is better to re-elect the present ruling government because the oppositions are not united.

According to them, even if the present Government is being voted out, there is no other person that will fit the position of the presidency, so as a result it is better for President Weah to continue and end whatever he had started.

Nathaniel Gibson, a business man mentioned that even if President Weah was re-elected, the citizens will still continue suffering because during his first term he was not able to fulfill all of his promises and that the second term will even be worse.

Gibson continued, “Most of the time I noticed that election season is the time all citizens can enjoy because all politicians will want to win the hearts of the citizens in order for them to be voted for, so they will sacrifice by dishing out money, materials and food stuffs but after acquiring the position, they turn their backs on the people who voted them.”

Furthermore a lady named Mary Flomo added that she does not want President George Weah to be re-elected as President because since he got into power everyone has been crying, complaining and murmuring and lots of negative behaviors have affected the youths of the country too.

“He is not the Government of the people but Government of himself, because if he was for the people he would have not allowed the citizens to suffer and the youths to be exposed to hard drugs and so many ugly behaviors,” Madam Flomo said.

She added that the Government is not taking the school and health systems important because of the irregular payment of salaries, thereby causing workers and teachers to become complacent in doing their duties properly.

“The street is very dirty and it is really affecting the health of the citizens; when we visit other neighboring countries we feel pleased when we see how pleasant and decent the places look, but for us we decide not to learn from them,” she blasted.

Meanwhile, some of them praised him for the good work he has done and that there is no other President that can perform better than him.

Abraham Vah who happens to be a business man stated that President Weah should be given the second chance because as he has completed some minor developments he is sure of him carrying out more developments.

“President Weah is the citizen’s choice so it is better that we give him the chance to do more of what he has started in order for the country to be saved,” Vah pleaded.

It can be recalled that the ongoing wrangling amongst members of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) has been a hot topic of discussion in the media recently, particularly in the electronic media. According to some callers on local radio talk-shows, the wrangling portends danger for the survivability of the coalition up to the elections in 2023.

 Most callers tend to agree that if the CPP does not get its act together soon enough, the likelihood of losing the elections to the incumbent ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) will become imminent. And this is a real concern generally shared by those in the opposition.

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