Visually Impaired Men Bloody
Each Other On Broad Street

Two visually impaired men engaged each other in a serious fight during the morning hours of September 12, 2022 in front of the Executive Pavilion.
Identifying themselves as Abraham Kamara and Junior Nagbe, the both men suffered dip cuts over each other’s left and right eyebrows on their faces with bruises over their bodies.
Having wounded each other seriously with blood oozing from each other’s foreheads right adjacent the General Auditing Commission (GAC) in Monrovia, they were then arrested by the police and taken to a local clinic on Water Street down Randall Street for treatment.
Each received at least 15 stitches because of the severity of the cuts on each other’s foreheads and thereafter, they were taken to Center Street Depot for investigation.
Following their fight, the two men then granted an interview to the media and accused each other of starting the fight on the grounds that they were told not to return to the street to beg because they would allegedly receive a huge sum of money from the National Commission on Disabilities (NDC).
Though the NCD Chairperson, Daintowon Domah Pay-Bayee, did not announce the amount given to the physically challenged community, Abraham Kamara confirmed receipt of his portion that was either between L$100 to L$150, 000 which according to him, was intended to enable members of the physically challenged community to sustain businesses to care for themselves and their children or dependents.
About the street fight with his fellow visually impaired colleague, Junior Nagbe, he said when they arrived in front of the Executive Pavilion on Broad Street yesterday morning, having been told not to return to the street, his colleague sat where he usually sits.
“When I asked Junior to leave my spot he refused on grounds that, that was his spot but I rejected his statement which got him annoyed and he strike me in the face several times,” Kamara explained.
He said Junior was the first to hit him severely several times in his left eye with the short stick that was in his hand causing severe damage; according to him, he too held Junior and struck him many times in the face with the same stick damaging his right eye.
Junior Nagbe admitted striking Kamara first many times in his left eye with the stick he had in his hand for allegedly causing the confusion, but it is not yet known to what extent both men eyes were damaged.
Until press time last, the police were still probing the matter.

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