“Use Your God Gifted Skills To Better Liberia” …Mrs. Cummings Urges Women

Mother Teresa Cummings has urged women in Liberia to use their God-gifted creative skills and talents for the betterment of their families and Liberia.
Mrs. Cummings said every woman was purposely made beautiful by God and imbued with special gifts, talents and skills to achieve certain goals in life and urged women to use those gifts to help improve conditions in Liberia.
Mother Teresa, wife of the political leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, spoke at a special Mother’s Day program in honor of Ms. Grace Ofori at the Freedom Worship Center in Paynesville Sunday, May 15.
Ms. Grace Ofori, 49, is founding member of the Freedom Worship Center established by Rev. Josiah Kennedy, nearly seven years ago on December 31, 2015.
Mrs. Cummings recalled accounts of powerful women in biblical history who she said used their special gifts from God to improve existing conditions in the Church and communities.
She made reference to powerful women of God including Mary, Martha, Sarah and Priscilla, who she said used and applied their God given creative skills and talents exceptionally well to bring about relief and addressed major challenges during their times in biblical history.
She urged women to identify and recognize those special gifts, skills and talents, imbued in them by God to improve existing conditions in their families, communities and the country.
In brief remarks, the Mother of the Year, 2021-2022, Ms. Ofori expressed gratitude to the Church for her selection and vowed to uphold and exhibit those good qualities of a true mother.
The Mother’s day program was climaxed with a special fundraising.

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