By Precious D. Freeman
The Monrovia City Collaboration (MCC) in partnership with the Liberia National Police (LNP) has laid out a more rigid Covid-19 restriction for the citizens to abide by.
According to the Police boss, Patrick Sudue, the Health Ministry along with the Police and the City Council has agreed that all businesses found in violation of the health protocols will pay $1,500 USD before reopening.
“And if any businesses is being closed three times, then they will be closed perpetually, as no business persons will want to pay such amount; so they will be in total compliance, we don’t want to go to that level but we did it to save our people,” he said.
Speaking at the press conference which was held at the Monrovia City Hall over the weekend, the Police Inspector General Sudue mentioned that the safety of every citizen is the concern of this government.
“Last week we met the churches and spoke with the pastors to observe the three feet distances and wearing of masks, but if they violate the health protocols, they will be compared to pay the fine of US$1,500 and if they fail to do so, said edifice will be shut down temporarily until the fine is being paid,” he assured.
He indicated that they have not yet visited the mosques which will be done over the weekend, adding that the mosque enforcement will start on Friday which is prayer day.
“We have spoken with the council of churches and other religious leaders to help in making sure that the health protocols are being observed in order to stop the spread of the virus,” he said.
He also said citizens walking in the streets that do not have mask on then or are not wearing if properly will be forced to wear it and at the same time pay a fine of $1,000LD.
According to him, the government is not interesting in making money out of Covid but the fine of US$200 attached to violators who run businesses contrary to the health protocols to serve as a deterrent is bringing a slap back into the faces of the enforcers.
IG Sudue mentioned that some businesses were temporarily shut down for violating the health protocols but instead of the business owners showing remorse, they laughed and said they can even pay the sum of US$500 if that is set aside as a fine; if that is what the government wants.
“It is like people are making mockery out of the situation, so we said since people want to voluntarily pay more amount, why then can’t we step it up to deter them further,” he said.