Urgent Medical Assistance Needed In Normondatono …Pastor Lawson Alarms

A pastor of the Evangelical Church of Liberia (ECOL) residing in Normondatono, Kongba District is calling on philanthropists, local and International NGOs and the Government of Liberia to urgently assist the residents of the town and its surrounding villages with medical assistance.
In a telephone conversation with this paper, Lawson said, the residents of Normon Town and surrounding villages used to travel across the Sierra Leone Border to seek medical attention, which is closest to them.
He explained that since the December 8, 2020 election which brought serious conflict between them and the Sierra Leoneans across the border, the Liberians are now afraid to venture across to seek medical attention.
“Right now we are doing self-treatment; a situation that is not healthy for us,” he narrated.
He further stated that they have in fact started a self-help project to find medical supply to keep them up.
It can be recalled that Normondatono became a center of attention when the December 8, 2020 mid-term senatorial election was disrupted on allegations that the paramount chief seized the ballot boxes and subsequently introduced ‘Country devils’ in the town.
The nearest clinic to the town and its surrounding villages is about nine to ten hours walk away which is situated in Kumgbor Town.

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