Unity Party’s Former Rep. Endorses Weah Re-election

Unity Party two times District #7 Representative candidate, Worlea-Saywah Dunah has endorsed the candidacy of the young generation in President George Manneh Weah reelection bid comes October 10, 2023 in Liberia.

 Mr. Dunah who retired from the House of Representative following his two terms made the official declaration on yesterday April 12, 2023 when he read his released his official endorsement backing President Weah. 

 “Where I stand at this historic juncture is where my forerunners stood: I stand by a progressive leader; I stand by Ambassador George Manneh Weah for President in 2023! I stand by him and will work to ensure victory inspired by the profound hope that that victory, which, by the Gods of politics, will crown our works, will be used to further the free education program and road networks which are the primary foundation for an economic and development leap forward by Liberia,” he stated.

 Dunah stated that Liberia is at a critical juncture where decisions must be taken to direct the  path as a people as Liberia goes to the polls on October 10, 2023. And it is imperative that all well-meaning leaders must show “Our people the path of decision. Two paths thrust themselves before our eyes today: to lead our generation or to entrust our own times in the hands of those whose times have passed”.

“The only generation that can save this generation is this generation”! By that statement he cast thereby into our hands the task of solving the problems of our time- it is actually a call to unite behind a generational leader to provide the leadership that will make the changes necessary to lead our country forward in our generation,” Dunah noted.

He stated further that besides the critical policy overlap that excites us to help improve Liberia and remove the shameful burden of illiteracy, brothers and sisters, it is a historical fact that the leader who calls us has by democratic appeal seized the urban masses in 2005 as a populist, maintained and consolidated that political control in his iron fists contrary to the political analysis of many of us progressive leaders who had in 2005 described his movement as a passing obsession built on his football popularity. But before our very eye she persevered and built a mammoth coalition that democratically seized state power in 2017 at the polls.

Yet having arrived at the pinnacle he still finds time to call his generation to help consolidate his vision and work of nation building in the recognition that there is much work to be done for the Liberian people.  It takes a humble manner a true leader to recognize that in the nature of politics and nation building it takes many hands and talents working together to make progress- even when you have won all.

 Historically, he recounted that during 2005 history forced a decision upon us as to which way for the new peace we were entering. It was a very critical and decisive juncture for Liberia – and bravely  he  then answered the call and put Liberia on the path to stability and revival of institutions of governance.  Before that decisive point in the presidential runoff of 2005, under the banner of “New Day, New Leaders “ we won the largest electoral district in Nimba that year, the then District #3 which stretched from Bahn to Buutuo and to near Karnplay. That mammoth district was split in 2011 in creating the current Electoral Districts of  # 4,5 & 7.

Again in 2011 while contesting for the new electoral district #7 which encompasses the cities of Saclepea and Bahn with the Maah and Dan as native ethnic groups a strong county-centric political storm was whipped up by coalition of leaders led by Senator Johnson which threatened to snapped all of the ten elected seated that were up for elections in Nimba. Building on a coalition of leaders who had personally built formidable political organizations the upstart party easily won the first six electoral districts but at electoral district # 7 we outmaneuveredthem and quietened the storm.

At that historic juncture our defeatof thedefunct NUDP candidate saved the former ruling Unity Party from being expelled from Nimba County – is the rest not history? Our people have always listened to ‘Our plead in making a leadership decision – the point is that at every historic juncture our people have trusted our leadership and listened to our call  in determining the future of Liberia”.

And the partnership we forged in those elections was used to establish the Nimba College, the Jackson Fiah Doe Regional Hospital, the entrance of electricity into Nimba, the agreement to tarmac theGanta to Yekepa road, the creation of social fund in concession agreements plus its many development initiatives nationwide plus many, many economic, social and infrastructure developments for our people.

And again now we stand at an equally precipitous moment, we stand on the place where our progressive forerunners stood on the troubled bloody dawn of April 12, 1980. It was a moment that has meant a lot; and it is a moment from which we take inspiration for the historic responsibility that lies ahead today – again the second generation of progressive faces the same decision that the first progressives faced that fateful day – to help the new change.

But our choices of toady are not as grave as theirs; today stand a man of peace, the most famous Liberian of ourgeneration surrounded by schoolmates and friends – people we know and trust – who have sent similar calls for all of us to support the leadership of our generation.

“Today we have the prospect of change by the policies we have witnessed. Before leaving the legislature we lobbied and secured intervention in the cocoa sector for our people from the World Bank. The Ministry of Agriculture invited us to its launching based on the historical records in their possession and today cocoa farmers in Nimba are benefiting better seeds and extension services; interestingly too the second portion of farm to market roads rehabilitation up to 10 million was signed and implemented in parts of Zoegeh, GbehlayGeh and Tappita areas since 2021 bringing immense relief to our people. The call from the Ministry of Agriculture was strange given our Liberian political culture however it was a gesture of partnership knowing that I worked so hard to land that project,” he explained.

According to him, that partnership excites us and we look forward to many good things for our people. “We look to see a medical college at the Jackson Fiah Doe Hospital as part of the Nimba University; we look to see the cocoa project transformed into the Cocoa Center for Liberia; we look to see the tarmac road continues to Buutuoand Karnplayvia Bahn plus many others for the people of Nimba and Liberia. Simple: we seek a partnership that will change the lives of our peoplethrough development projects as opposed others whose partnership on the national political scene leaves the people outside”.

“Today too, for a country with 85% illiteracy rate we see a fitting policy prescription-we see free education, from kindergarten to college! Today we see the expansion of all-weather roads as the focal thrust of the last six years.  For a country of 85% illiteracy rate it is my generation that has grabbed the jugular of illiteracy and ignorance to declare free education – and we must join the fight! And today it is President Weah who sees illiteracy as a generational death trap and provided the urgent magic panacea, that solutions – that has lied unseen and unpursued in plain views for decades.  Ten thousands of our generation who joined the brutal narcissistic heartless warlords would not have done so had they been educated and informed – my generation died of illiteracy and ignorance,” Dunah said.Unity Party two times District #7 Representative candidate, Worlea-Saywah Dunah has endorsed the candidacy of the young generation in President George Manneh Weah reelection bid comes October 10, 2023 in Liberia.

 Mr. Dunah who retired from the House of Representative following his two terms made the official declaration on yesterday April 12, 2023 when he read his released his official endorsement backing President Weah. 

 “Where I stand at this historic juncture is where my forerunners stood: I stand by a progressive leader; I stand by Ambassador George Manneh Weah for President in 2023! I stand by him and will work to ensure victory inspired by the profound hope that that victory, which, by the Gods of politics, will crown our works, will be used to further the free education program and road networks which are the primary foundation for an economic and development leap forward by Liberia,” he stated.

 Dunah stated that Liberia is at a critical juncture where decisions must be taken to direct the  path as a people as Liberia goes to the polls on October 10, 2023. And it is imperative that all well-meaning leaders must show “Our people the path of decision. Two paths thrust themselves before our eyes today: to lead our generation or to entrust our own times in the hands of those whose times have passed”.

“The only generation that can save this generation is this generation”! By that statement he cast thereby into our hands the task of solving the problems of our time- it is actually a call to unite behind a generational leader to provide the leadership that will make the changes necessary to lead our country forward in our generation,” Dunah noted.

He stated further that besides the critical policy overlap that excites us to help improve Liberia and remove the shameful burden of illiteracy, brothers and sisters, it is a historical fact that the leader who calls us has by democratic appeal seized the urban masses in 2005 as a populist, maintained and consolidated that political control in his iron fists contrary to the political analysis of many of us progressive leaders who had in 2005 described his movement as a passing obsession built on his football popularity. But before our very eye she persevered and built a mammoth coalition that democratically seized state power in 2017 at the polls.

Yet having arrived at the pinnacle he still finds time to call his generation to help consolidate his vision and work of nation building in the recognition that there is much work to be done for the Liberian people.  It takes a humble manner a true leader to recognize that in the nature of politics and nation building it takes many hands and talents working together to make progress- even when you have won all.

 Historically, he recounted that during 2005 history forced a decision upon us as to which way for the new peace we were entering. It was a very critical and decisive juncture for Liberia – and bravely  he  then answered the call and put Liberia on the path to stability and revival of institutions of governance.  Before that decisive point in the presidential runoff of 2005, under the banner of “New Day, New Leaders “ we won the largest electoral district in Nimba that year, the then District #3 which stretched from Bahn to Buutuo and to near Karnplay. That mammoth district was split in 2011 in creating the current Electoral Districts of  # 4,5 & 7.

Again in 2011 while contesting for the new electoral district #7 which encompasses the cities of Saclepea and Bahn with the Maah and Dan as native ethnic groups a strong county-centric political storm was whipped up by coalition of leaders led by Senator Johnson which threatened to snapped all of the ten elected seated that were up for elections in Nimba. Building on a coalition of leaders who had personally built formidable political organizations the upstart party easily won the first six electoral districts but at electoral district # 7 we outmaneuveredthem and quietened the storm.

At that historic juncture our defeatof thedefunct NUDP candidate saved the former ruling Unity Party from being expelled from Nimba County – is the rest not history? Our people have always listened to ‘Our plead in making a leadership decision – the point is that at every historic juncture our people have trusted our leadership and listened to our call  in determining the future of Liberia”.

And the partnership we forged in those elections was used to establish the Nimba College, the Jackson Fiah Doe Regional Hospital, the entrance of electricity into Nimba, the agreement to tarmac theGanta to Yekepa road, the creation of social fund in concession agreements plus its many development initiatives nationwide plus many, many economic, social and infrastructure developments for our people.

And again now we stand at an equally precipitous moment, we stand on the place where our progressive forerunners stood on the troubled bloody dawn of April 12, 1980. It was a moment that has meant a lot; and it is a moment from which we take inspiration for the historic responsibility that lies ahead today – again the second generation of progressive faces the same decision that the first progressives faced that fateful day – to help the new change.

But our choices of toady are not as grave as theirs; today stand a man of peace, the most famous Liberian of ourgeneration surrounded by schoolmates and friends – people we know and trust – who have sent similar calls for all of us to support the leadership of our generation.

“Today we have the prospect of change by the policies we have witnessed. Before leaving the legislature we lobbied and secured intervention in the cocoa sector for our people from the World Bank. The Ministry of Agriculture invited us to its launching based on the historical records in their possession and today cocoa farmers in Nimba are benefiting better seeds and extension services; interestingly too the second portion of farm to market roads rehabilitation up to 10 million was signed and implemented in parts of Zoegeh, GbehlayGeh and Tappita areas since 2021 bringing immense relief to our people. The call from the Ministry of Agriculture was strange given our Liberian political culture however it was a gesture of partnership knowing that I worked so hard to land that project,” he explained.

According to him, that partnership excites us and we look forward to many good things for our people. “We look to see a medical college at the Jackson Fiah Doe Hospital as part of the Nimba University; we look to see the cocoa project transformed into the Cocoa Center for Liberia; we look to see the tarmac road continues to Buutuoand Karnplayvia Bahn plus many others for the people of Nimba and Liberia. Simple: we seek a partnership that will change the lives of our peoplethrough development projects as opposed others whose partnership on the national political scene leaves the people outside”.

“Today too, for a country with 85% illiteracy rate we see a fitting policy prescription-we see free education, from kindergarten to college! Today we see the expansion of all-weather roads as the focal thrust of the last six years.  For a country of 85% illiteracy rate it is my generation that has grabbed the jugular of illiteracy and ignorance to declare free education – and we must join the fight! And today it is President Weah who sees illiteracy as a generational death trap and provided the urgent magic panacea, that solutions – that has lied unseen and unpursued in plain views for decades.  Ten thousands of our generation who joined the brutal narcissistic heartless warlords would not have done so had they been educated and informed – my generation died of illiteracy and ignorance,” Dunah said.

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