The Traffic Court Judge, Karzor Zubah, is calling on the government to suspend vehicle registration for the first 3 (three) months in beginning January to March, 2021.
According to the judge, that will ensure that all vehicle and moving objects have at least a third party insurance scheme/policy for the safety of all that are in the territory control of the Republic of Liberia.
Speaking yesterday at the close of the Traffic Court at the Temple of Justice, Judge Zubah explained that the enforcement of license, insurance and vehicle registration should be taken very seriously to ensure that any person(s) operating a road worthy object (vehicle) have a valid driver license, valid insurance and valid vehicle registration for the safety of the Liberian people.
He also urged the Government to prioritize third party insurance policy to ensure road users and pedestrians seek redress under our vehicle and Traffic Law whenever there is an accident, emphasizing, “In order for society to be protected, the vehicle and Traffic Law need to be enforce adequately by members of the Liberia National Police without fear or favor.”
He added that the Liberia National Police (LNP) should send cases to court in time to enable the parties seek proper redress within the statutory period thereby adding that that will enable the Ministry of Transport carry on a proper vetting process before the issuing of driving licenses.
Giving the annual report 2021 of the Traffic Court, Judge Zubah emphasized that over the period in review, the Monrovia Traffic Court (MTC) received 90 cases from the Liberia National Police (LNP) who is clothed with the statutory responsibility to investigate and send to court all accidents cases involving death, injuries and properties.
He added that of the number of cases received from the Liberia National Police, 13 resulted into death, 6 resulted into injuries, 26 resulted into properties damage and 1 resulted into both death and injuries while 7 resulted into death and properties damage; 24 resulted into both injuries and properties damage, 13 resulted into death, injuries and properties damage and 11 was as a result of Driving without License (DWOL).
He revealed that as a result of the increase in the number of accidents in and around Monrovia, Next year 2022, the court will begin to send to jail any driver(s) or vehicle owner(s) brought before that honorable Traffic court.
Meanwhile, the Chief of Safety of the Liberia National Police, John Saar said there is a need to visit the motor vehicles law that has been in existence since the 70s.