To Investigate Charloe’s Death: Foreign Pathologists In Town

By Grace Q. Bryant

International medical pathologists are expected to conduct an examination or autopsy on the remains of Charloe Musu.

This decision was based on a motion for the conduct of examination or autopsy on Charlotte Musu, filed by defense lawyers to support their side of the case.

According to the defense, the team which are from the United States of America, consisting of Dr. Matthias I. Okoye, (Pathologist); Dr. Cordelia C. Okoye, Medical Doctor; Dr. Cordelia N. Okoye, Registered Nurse and Dale L. Williams, forensic consultant and forensic investigator, is already in Liberia.

Defendant Scott’s lawyers furthered the copies of the examiner licenses from both the Liberia Medical and Dental Council (LMDC) and the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery, in compliance with the Law.

They said, “We will appreciate were the court to kindly order both the Ministry of Justice and the Management of the Funeral Home (St. Moses) to create access to crime scene and/or avail the corpse to make the defense’s process easier and inexpensive.”

In response, one of counsels for prosecution says that prosecution interposes no objection to the submission made by defense on the records, only that the cost of bringing extra medical personnel to conduct examination on the remains of the deceased in these proceedings should be borne by them (defense) and not by the Government of Liberia.

The court noted the application made by the defense counsel, to which prosecution has interposed no objection, but with a caveat that all expenses pertaining thereto will be borne by the defendants.

The court says that application is granted, but in view of the facts that the court should take notice of historical facts, adding that the documents will be submitted to the LDMC for review or accreditation as relates to the required qualifications of these medical practitioners, so as to enable them free access to practice said examination in Liberia.

The court hereby mandates the defense team to submit the necessary documentation to the court’s clerk, which will subsequently be reviewed by the judge and then forwarded to the Liberia Medical and Dental Council, which has that responsibility to accredit those that are not from the Bailiwick of Liberia and that that information can be submitted as soon as possible to enable the LMDC submit to the court, its findings or recommendations. 

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