The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) has clarified that to implement Liberia’s NDC, it would require both domestic and international supports of up to US$490. 5 contrary to media reports that the country would benefit over US$495. 5 million as a major producer of oxygen through its forest.
EPA in a release issued on Thursday 25 November 2021 said Liberia commits to reducing its economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual level by 2030, through a combination of unconditional GHG reductions of 10% below BAU, resulting in an absolute emissions level of 11,187Gg CO2e in 2030; with an additional 54% reduction conditional upon international support, which would result in an absolute emission level of 4,536.64 Gg CO2e in 2030.
To achieve this target, the country has included additional sectors to those previously included in the 2015 NDC, the release said
Additionally, the cost of implementing Liberia’s NDC is at USD490.5 Million using both Local technical and financial resources and with International support.
EPA Executive Director, Prof. Wilson K. Tarpeh told a special news conference at the Ministry of Information on November 23, 2021 that Liberia is the ‘third lung’ of the world, which suggests that it has the capacity to absorb harmful gases, which are mostly produced by developed countries.
He was speaking on the outcome of Glasgow Climate Change Conference dubbed as COP 26.
Liberia’s Delegation to COP 26 was headed by his Excellency George M. Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia.
Liberia’s Delegation comprised of public, private, local non- governmental organizations, international non- governmental organizations, academia, youth, students and the media.
The conference preceded with hosting of World Leaders Summit with President Weah being among the first batch of world leaders making statements during the afternoon hours which extended to the early evening hour.
At the High Level Summit President Weah informed the gathering that climate change remained one of the greatest challenges facing the global community despite the CORONA Virus pandemic, but offered to host a meeting on establishing an African Carbon Facility for the primary purpose of developing a framework that will benefit African Countries including Liberia in generating incentives for national development for keeping the forest resources in terms of carbon sequestration.
COP26 was the first significant test of the 2015 Paris Agreement. When countries negotiated this, they agreed to limit the rise in global average temperature to well below 2oC and pursue efforts not to exceed 1.50C above pre-industrial levels.
To keep themselves on track with meeting the agreement’s goals, including staying within 1.5oC, they created a ratchet mechanism to encourage regular increases in national ambition and a focus on taking short-term action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
In addition, countries agreed to improve every five years by submitting national climate commitments, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), on reducing GHG emissions. Therefore, the overall goals of COP26 that guided the course of negotiations and drove the key outcomes were:
He disclosed that the Glasgow Climate Change Conference ended with the adoption of the Glasgow Climate Pact.
The Pact covers series of decisions including an agreement to phasing down unabated coal power and phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.
It was also agreed that developed countries double their adaptation finance from 2019 levels, by 2025; and that parties that have not yet communicated new or updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) do so before the next COP.
Prof. Tarpeh also said that the pact also establishes an annual high-level ministerial roundtable on pre-2030 ambition.