Survivors’ Truths-Liberia
Celebrates 9th Anniv.

A non-governmental organization, Survivors’ Truths- Liberia, has celebrated its 9th Anniversary under the slogan “Trying to be all right together” in Liberia.
Survivors’ Truths-Liberia is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that works to promote solutions for struggles that start with and build on what Liberians already know and are able to do.
It is run by a Board of Advisors, Administrative staff, County Coordinators and Chapter in the diaspora with an overall mission to challenge assumptions, inspire hope, and create change by amplifying the voices of those most directly impacted by the violence, health crises, and marginalization that have caused so much suffering in Liberia.
It also engages survivors and audiences in building understanding, healing, and platforms for positive action through media engagement, communications strategy, policy advocacy, research, and direct relief.
In connection with survivor-led groups and local communities in eight counties, the organization is also shows how applying the principle of ‘nothing for us without us’ can makes humanitarian efforts more successful and impactful.
Serving as the keynote speaker at the day-long activities at Survivors’ Truths office in Monrovia over the weekend, Atty Chipo Nyambuya called on Liberians to work closely together and tell the stories of survivors of Liberia’s 14-year old civil unrest.
She said as Survivors’ Truths Liberia celebrates its first decade of existence and is more courage to continue providing the psychosocial and mental health support to war-affected victims as well as encouraging them to stop going back to tradition and be focus.
“So, our county coordinator will also be in those various counties of operation and getting the stories and finding out what those survivors and community needs. And you survived therefore, we will continue to help you because you all are so precious to us,” Nyambuya noted.
She reaffirmed Survivors’ Truths fullest commitment to war-affected victims aimed at getting their stories and making sure that their voices are heard across Liberia and the diaspora.
Earlier, Survivors’ Truths, Liberia Country Director, Cooper M. Vuku said the establishment of their organization is to address the impact of the Civil War, Ebola, and the COVID-19; all in the spectre of unresolved trauma.
According to him, there are many important parts of the Liberian war history that remain untold, undocumented and reconciled and as a result, people are angry, bitter and resentful, while communities and the country also remain fractured and traumatized.
He added that even though some people ‘survived’ their traumas, many individuals and communities continue to bear the physical and emotional scars of horrific violence as well as suffer serious economic privations.
Suzanne Truchard of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) lauded Survivors’ Truths-Liberia on the occasion marking its 9th anniversary and at same time pledged her institution’s fullest support in ensuring the voices of war-affected victims across Liberia are heard and that justice is dispense in their favor.

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