SUP Joins UL Faculty Protest -Gives Gov’t Ultimatum

The campus-based Students Unification Party (SUP) has given a 72-hour ultimatum to the Boakai-Koung administration to settle liabilities owed members of the University of Liberia Faculty Association.The campus-based student movement has warned against the politicization of education at the institution, frowning on the indefinite closure of the institution and further demanding the immediate reopening of classes.Student Unification Party, in a statement issued Monday, February 26, said that they are under obligation to protect and defend the educational, social, political, and economic rights and interests of the over 20,000 students who are seeking education at the University of Liberia; as such, the closing of classes is intended to deprive them of education.The party has threatened to carry out unspecified actions if the government remains adamant to not announce the resumption of classes.The Chairperson of SUP, Kwein W. Karin, noted in the release that as a progressive institution, the party sees education as a non-negotiable commodity and it should be given to every citizen of Liberia free, without any further demand from them. “Education, as promised by the Boakai-Koung government in their ARREST agenda, must be accessible, affordable, available, efficient, effective, productive, and qualitative,” Chairman Kwein noted.According to him, the Vanguard Party will never allow the indelible and vigorous thirst for quality education by the Liberians to go unnoticed. Further quoting Article 6 of the 1986 Constitution, SUP noted that it will always stand tall to ensure the inalienable rights of Liberians to the latter.In legality with the 1986 Constitution of the Republic of Liberia, Article 6 indicates, “The Republic shall, because of the vital role assigned to the individual citizen under this Constitution for the social, economic and political well-being of Liberia, provide equal access to educational opportunities and facilities for all citizens to the extent of available resources,” the statement maintained.The party further noted that key emphasis should be placed on the education of Liberians and the elimination of illiteracy. SUP sees this as a compulsory entitled right under the organic law of Liberia, adding that it must never be ignored by the Boakai-Koung government.In consanguinity with the aforementioned legal principle and guidance as provided for by law, SUP calls on the Boakai-Koung government to expeditiously settle the liabilities of the University of Liberia Faculty Association-ULFA without any further delay, as part of the first public test to be administered to President Boakai.At the same time, the Kwein-led SUP leadership stressed that the University of Liberia must continue to be an independent or autonomous institution that should not be meddling with political parties. Therefore, SUP is reminding UL president, Julius S. Nelson, that education is not a political commodity, but rather a constitutional right that must never be politicized. The party also assured the Administration of the University of Liberia, and the Boakai-Koung government, that failure on their part to open the University of Liberia, after the 72-hour ultimatum, will lead to a mass rally of over 20,000 students that will lead to a massive protest action.

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