The slave traders came and took our people. The colonialists came and are taking our raw materials. The neo-colonialists are coming and taking our money. The coming and taking is bad for Liberia. Therefore, it must be stopped. Fortunately, it is being stopped non-violently.
The non-violence is good because violence does not solve any problem. No violence has been ended through the rule of outlaw. Violence is ended only at the table, through the Rule of Law. No wonder that the people of Liberia say that Liberia is headed in the wrong direction (Afrobarameter, 2022). Violence has become most important for the people of Liberia because of the forms of violence that have been experienced by the people of Liberia.
This experience came in the forms of the coup d’etat and civil war in Liberia that took the lives of over 300,000 people and injured many more people. This violence` took place because people are still coming and taking. However, there are people who are taking actions to stop the coming and taking. These actions are taking place because of the raising of awareness that is going on. These actions are being taken by the people of Liberia who are motivated to change conditions for the better.
To change things for the better, the people who love Liberia have to take actions within the Rule of Law to motivate the people to take actions that change the living conditions of the people, especially poor people. This method of change is working well as seen in the number of National Legislators who wanted to get re-elected in the October 10, 2023 Election but were not re-elected. Over eighty per cent of the persons who wanted to be re-elected were not re-elected. This trend is highly likely to continue in the ensuing elections.
They were not re-elected because of the awareness raising that resulted in transforming the unfair prevailing electoral system to the fair enduring electoral system. It is only through such transformation that the electoral system can be changed by exposing the bad electoral practices of the National Elections Commission (NEC) of Liberia, the Supervisory Body of Elections in Liberia. It is through such transformation that persons with good records can get elected to bring in the system of Justice, the indispensable ingredient for Peace and progress in Liberia and in any other country.