“Spiritual cleansing, Peace & Reconciliation Nationwide Prayers Summit” …Two Servants Of God Declare

Alex Yomah

God is leading two Liberians to declare a four-day Nationwide Crusade for Liberia under the banner: Spiritual cleansing Peace and Reconciliation”.

The national Crusade which will be held at SKS Sports Complex will simultaneously take place from December 8-12, 2021 across Liberia.

The Religious leader to President George Weah, Rev. Emmanuel Nimely will serve and will be co-hosted by a devoted Liberian Woman of God residing in the United States of America, Prophetess Sebe Dalieh.

Making the official declaration to media via the Internet yesterday, the co-host said, the Nationwide Prayers Summit is a vision from God for Liberia.

“I am pleased to announce to you the proclamation of prayer to heal our nation and restore unto us the years the locusts have eaten,” she said.

She said that Liberia has suffered perilous times, brutal civil wars, public health issues, breakdown in human relations, political and social divide, low life expectancy, illnesses, economic downturn, hurts, pains, outcries, devastations, distrusts, bloodsheds, hopelessness, losses, poverty and the list goes on: causing the society to become polarized, noting that the prayers conference is intended for God to pardon Liberia and heal the land.

“With that said, the Honorable, Reverend, M. Emmanuel Nimely, Religious Advisor to the President has issued out a clarion call to engage the throne of God and pray for Mama Liberia”.

“Consequently, we are inviting and encouraging all Liberians, and internationals with their sphere of influence in the nation of Liberia to join us as we pray for our country at the SKD Sports Complex in Paynesville, December 8-12, 2021 commencing at 4p.mm prompt,” she disclosed.

According to her, regardless of religious affiliation, political landscape, or professional discipline, prayers summit invites all hands on deck praying,” We are calling, the pehn-pehn community, marketing associations, praying mothers, praying fathers, business leaders, government officials, dignitaries, students, Muslims, Council of Churches and all people in Liberia to come out and let us seek the Lord as a nation.” 

“We are expecting over 100 pastors and spiritual leaders from across the globe who have raised up their hands to grace this initiative with their presence and prayers and they are ready to bombard heaven alongside us.”

Adding, “We are now in the process of connecting with bishops, spiritual fathers, spiritual mothers, pastors, church leaders, and others to aid and support this call. The good news is; every well-meaning Liberia is connecting to this cause. We are receiving positive reactions and feedbacks.” 

 In her sleep reference, ” The bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

For his part, Rev. Nimely told news conference that prophecy to declare a national Crusade was revealed to him since 2006 when he returned from Nigeria from a global prayers conference.

“The Lord Spoke to me that Liberia needs spiritual cleansing to allow God’s favor and protection,” Rev. Nimely said.

 He said there were lots of wrongs that went on during the civil crisis and those wrongs still persist in Liberia.

  “The nation was built on Christian principles and that must be acknowledged and that the way to deliver this nation is to ask God in prayers for forgiveness,” he concluded.

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