Sen. Edwin Snowe’s Hypocrisy AmidVoluntary Signing Of Resolution!

By Ekena Nyankun Juahgbe-Droh Wesley

Ahead of this discourse, we objectively reasoned a historical but succinct construct (The Right Message By The Wrong Messenger) of ace social justice advocate Michael Biddle regarding Bomi County Senator Edwin Snowe’s recent somewhat grotesque rants against the Americans. Michael Biddle concludes: “Truth is resilient! It can shine through imperfect vessels transcending their limitations.” Absolutely correct!

When Snowe’s former NPFL-era boss, Chief Allen described him as “One of the most inconsistently inconsistent fellas ever,” many took it for a joke. But such reflects reality given that – Cyril Allen, as a former boss had better appreciation of the manner of man the Bomi Senator is.

Surely, Senator Edwin Snowe came to fame at the expense of a dreaded rebel movement-turned quasi political organization – the National Patriotic Youth Movement (NPYM). The National Patriotic Youth Movement and the National Patriotic Party feverishly orchestrated Charles Taylor’s peculiarly unprecedented victory in 1997.

Those elections were largely free in terms of participation but unfair due to unequal access by all the parties. Improperly disarmed Charles Taylor’s rag-tagged army brutally roamed the countryside rampaging the tactics of bullying and intimidation of the population to vote for Taylor to avoid a return to war.

Snowe rose through the ranks to lead the Liberia Petroleum and Refining Company (LPRC) and the Liberia Football Association (LFA) respectively; positions that controversially increased his firmament politically and socially that later turned him into a household name in the small West African nation. Mind you, Snowe was eclipsed into the good graces of former President Taylor having emerged as in-law in the then First family.

Aptly inconsistent as Chief Cyril Allen alluded to, Edwin Snowe turned his back to the NPP political machinery that catapulted him to prominence after the disgraceful flight of Ghankay Taylor into exile. In 2005, Snowe went ‘solo’ – supposedly running as an Independent and won District #6 Montserrado County. He would rise to become the first controversial Speaker of the 52nd Legislature. Snowe was alleged to have visited The Gambia where he held secret talks with renegade Taiwan over diplomatic ties – ironically after the Legislature had passed a Resolution in favor of a One-China Policy. As in Snowe’s own words – “I was removed as Speaker and never impeached.” Whatever the extent of a so-called – ‘lexis, syntax or semantics” shame marred Snowe’s sacking as Speaker.

In the battle of “Capitol Hill versus Unity Conference Center – Virginia” – a ding-dong saga of ‘majority versus a handful of lawmakers led by former Rep. Rufus Neufville’ that saw ‘A Patriot’s Diary’ reckon the Supreme Court’s ruling – that called for a return to ‘status quo ante’ – Edwin Snowe was secluded in the wilderness of abandonment. Such is the trappings of the politics of the belly. Personal interest over permanent friendship!

Senator Edwin Snowe is a cheerful graduate of United Nations-imposed sanctions on Liberia after the end to Liberia’s 14 years old civil war. Whatever informed the political soul-cleansing, Snowe, Ben Urey et al were granted reprieve. Senator Snowe fits the late Senator Kerkura Bayo Kpoto’s definition of politics. “Hang your coat where the sun shines…” Only those without scruples would hang their coat based only on the direction of the sun, though. Snowe continues to survive along the unprincipled spectacle of the late Senator Kpoto’s philosophy of political alliance cum marriage.

Last week, Senator Edwin Snowe who made his way from the Lower House to the House of Elders seemed to have turned into a politically philosophical Charles Taylor. On assuming power after the 1997 Special Elections, jailed former President, Charles Taylor ranted politically unconsciously: “Gone are the days when critical national decisions on Liberia had to originate from Washington D.C.!” Taylor’s craze-incensed comments came to hunt him unequivocally! Taylor, a self-style revolutionary, had slipped miserably amid his unguided anti-American sentiments.

Senator Edwin Snowe, who unarguably remains on the radar of the West that continues to demand accountability, respect for the rule of law – has strangely hit the spotlight for all the baffling reasons. His message about a faceless advocacy for Liberia’s greater good cannot seemingly originate from him as that so-called proper ‘Messenger.’ The message could be good notwithstanding but the ‘Messenger’ represents a paradox.

As a politician, if Senator Snowe cannot do for his own country what is expected of him but expects America to lead the way, then there is no basis for even seeking an elected position. Senator Snowe’s fuss with the Americans about what in his parochial understanding they should or ought to do for Liberia – makes no sense! Liberians did not elect a bunch of so-called leaders that would sit supinely and fail to demonstrate wisdom, experience, leadership and selflessness. Senator Snowe and his colleagues should hold themselves accountable for not placing the people’s interest above their selfish pursuits.

Senator Edwin Snowe’s genuine protest to America’s somewhat lackluster effort to transform Liberia into a paradise should have been manifested in his refusal to sign the landmark Senate Resolution on the establishment of a War and Economic Crimes Court (WECC). His hypocritical outburst is just misplaced and as in the words of comrade Michael Biddle: “The Right Message by the Wrong Messenger.”

Ekena Wesley
Delaware County, PA
“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. – Che Guevera

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