Reverend James Bombo Sellee has been ordained coadjutor bishop of the Episcopal Church in Liberia.
The elaborate ceremony was held during the worship service witnessed by local and international guests on Sunday, April 24, at the Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Monrovia.
Selee will not take charge now, but shall continue working with Archbishop Jonathan B. B. Hart, as Assistant until Sunday, June 5 when he shall formally take over the running of the church Bishop.
Sellee, 61, was elected coadjutor recently to succeed retiring Archbishop Hart and his ordination was performed by Reverend Daniel Sylvanus Mensah Torto, Archbishop of the Anglican Diocese of Accra, Ghana.
It was witnessed by principal consecrator and celebrant Archbishop Jonathan B. B. Hart; and co-consecrators and concelebrants were the Bishops of the Church of the Providence of West Africa.
“The people have chosen you and have affirmed their trust in you by acclaiming your election. A Bishop of God’s Holy Church is called to be one with the apostles in proclaiming Christ’s resurrection and interpreting the Gospel, and testify to Christ’s sovereignty as Lord of lords and Kings of kings. You are called to guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church, to celebrate and to provide for the administration of the sacraments of the New Covenant; to ordain priests and deacons and to join in ordaining Bishops; and to be in all things as faithful pastors and wholesome examples for the entire flock of Christ,” Archbishop Hart stated.
“With your fellow Bishops, you will share in the leadership of the church throughout the world. Your heritage is the faith of patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and those of every generation who have looked to God in hope. Your joy will be to follow him who came, not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many,” he added.
Sellee was elected Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Liberia on Saturday, February 19 but his ability at the time to function in said position came under scrutiny owing to the fact that it requires an endorsement from the head of Episcopal and Anglican Church for West Africa.
The bishop coadjutor is given authority beyond that ordinarily given to the vicar general, making him co-head of the diocese in all but ceremonial precedence.
In modern times, the coadjutor automatically succeeds the diocesan bishop upon the latter’s retirement, removal, or death.
Sellee was schooled in Liberia and the United Kingdom and has been serving in various positions of trust within the church including Dean of Trinity Cathedral, The Episcopal Church of Liberia, former Dean of the School of Theology and Chairman of the Thesis Committee of the Cuttington School of Graduate and Professional Studies.
Others are Board Member of the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home for the physically and mentally affected persons; Rector of the Saint Thomas Missionary Priest to the Anglican Diocese of The Gambia and many more.
Yesterday’s ordination of Sellee was attended by former Vice President, Joseph Nyumah Boakai; University of Liberia’s President Julius Sarwolo Nelson; Liberia Maritime Authority’s Commissioner Lenn Eugene Nagbe; former Foreign Minister Milton Gbehzongar Findley and an array of both past and present officials of government as well as ordinary people.