Rep. Smith Rubbishes Bishop’s Claims …Promises to Rehabilitate Johnsonville Market Soon

Montserrado County Electoral District #1, Representative, Jimmy K. Smith, has re-echoed his commitment and total support for citizens and residents of his district.
He noted that since his election in 2017/2018 he has fully and successfully identified with people of his district especially in areas of food, health, education, infrastructure and jobs creation.
The lawmaker was reacting to recent comments by the head of the 1ndependen Catholic Church, Bishop Nimely Donyen falsely accusing the lawmaker of not “being able to feed the people of his district.”,
Representative Smith said he has never neglected his people, as he continues to provide education, jobs creation, provision of scholarships, food distribution and even seeking investment opportunities.
The lawmaker said it is therefore frustrating, saddened and unfortunate that a church leader would such thing about him.
Rep. Smith said he is not surprised by Bishop’s “affront as a disappointed victim of Disinct #1 where he was beaten flat by me.”
Meanwhile, Rep. Smith recently donated several bundles of zinc, food and cash to victims of his district as a result pf destruction as a result heavy rain disaster in his community.
Recipients of his recent gesture following the heavy down pull of rain in early May has commended the Monstserrado County District #1 lawmaker for always responding to their calls and needs especially during this time of the COV1D- 19 crisis in Liberia. Reports Joe Wollie

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