Rep. Aspirant Arrested For Stealing L$250, 000

By Solomon Gaye, Jr
Police in Ganta says it has arrested and detained a representative aspirant, Ezekiel Domah, for allegedly stealing L$250,000.
Suspect Domah is among representative aspirants struggling to unseat Larry Younquoi in Electoral District 8 in Nimba County in pending 2023 Presidential and Representative elections in the country.
The LNP Crime Service Division (CSD) commander, Gonpue explained that suspect was arrest by the Police in Ganta and turned over to the LNP detachment in Kakata after months of police search for the accused.
Police said during a preliminary investigation, the accused, who is a representative aspirant in Electoral District 8 in Nimba County admitted of stealing the money and pleaded with the complainant to give him some time to repay him.
When this paper contacted the complainant, Emmanuel Kennedy, at the Ganta Police station, he accused the suspect for clandestinely and criminally enter his bed room and stole took the money while stopping with him in Kakata.
“Suspect Domah is my childhood friend from Nimba, he was stopping with me in Kakata, broke into my room, stole L$250,000 and escape to Nimba,” complaint Kennedy said.
The complaint boasted that he will ensure that justice will prevail to serve as deterrent for others to desist from same.
When this paper contacted suspect Domah, in handcuff at the Police station during investigation, he denied the stealing of L$250,000 from Emmanuel Kennedy in Kakata .
According to him, he never broke into the complaint room as alleged and denied of being a representative aspirant in electoral district eight in Nimba.
During a normal routine at the Police station, the accused person was seen sitting in handcuff along with family members, friend, sympathy and well-wishers.

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