REL Opens L$2.5M Sponsorship Deal For County Meet

Radio Entertainment Liberia (REL) has officially joined the Sponsorship log of Liberia’s biggest sporting festival; the national county sports meet with a deal worth over 2.5 million Liberian Dollars.
The digital lottery institution leading the radio entertainment in Liberia signed the mouthwatering sponsorship deal yesterday December 30, 2024 in the Minister’s conference room of the Ministry of Youth and Sports where the National County Sports Meet steering committee was represented by top Liberian officials from the Sports Ministry.
Disclosing REL’s evolvement and interest in the upcoming County meet was the Chief Executive Officer, Reindorf Haligah, who explained that his business as a Liberian company is concerned about meeting the social cooperate needs of the citizens of the country.
In the view of Haligah, the county meet being the most watched event in the sports world of Liberia, there is a need to have more support to its operation and empower those that are the actual participants throughout the process.
According to him, the deal signed covers the provision of a million Liberian Dollars to the Sports Ministry for operations of the county meet while more than one and a half million will be spent in providing other assistance and awards to individual athletes throughout the competition.
“We are happy to finalize this partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports for this county meet as a way of supporting the game through the Radio Entertainment Liberia. In this sponsorship, we will provide Cash Awards to the Player of the Match in every game for football and kickball from the group stage in the counties to the grand finale,” he said.
He explained that the recently signed deal is a part of the long-standing working relationship that REL is envisioning having with the Government of Liberia so that the needs of the people can be met without everyone opening eyes on political government for job creation.
Reindorf Haligah also highlighted that the partnership is working to make sure that there is huge excitement for the festivity at the county meet so that everyone can find the total sense of unity by promoting the Liberian culture around the pitch.
Speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Minister Jeror Cole Bangalu, welcomed the partnership with Radio Entertainment Liberia lauding them for the creativity placed in the content of the partnership taking into consideration to cover the entire competition.
According to Minister Bangalu, the pride of the entire sponsorship is to see the extension of the focus of the county meet going far back to what will be seen in the counties during the group stage and moving with the enthusiasm to Monrovia.
“Too many times, people only concentrate on what happens at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex which is important, but before then there are things that happened in the counties. Beginning this process by appreciating what happens in the group stage is where we take solace,” the Minister added.
The 2024 National County Meet is expected to kickoff January 12, 2025 across the four hosting venues and the Ministry of Youth and Sports is encouraging counties and other sport stakeholders to beef up and continue preparation activities for the competition.

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