Project 52, GTI To Distribute 26, 000 Bibles In 4 W/African Counties

An American Christian and humanitarian based organization dubbed Project 52 has donated 26, 000 brand new Holy Bibles for free distribution to four countries within the Sub-region including Liberia, Nigeria, Ghana Sierra Leone.
The donation was made possible through the gesture of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rennie based in Cincinnati, the United States as part of its mandate to win souls to the Christian faith around the world valued at thousands of United States dollars.
Project 52 is currently providing clothing, food, including hot meals, to hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the United States, mainly in the states of Georgia, Atlanta, Ohio, and Kentucky.
The Holy Bibles donation is expected in Liberia in August 2022, for onward distribution under the partnership of the Liberian-American humanitarian and charity based organization, Gospel Train International, (GTI).
The Chief Executive Officer, Oliver Adams, extended thanks and gratitude to the two Americans for the nearly five years of partnership with Project 52 on behalf of the Africans and promised that the items will be equally distributed to the named West African counties.
The CEO of GTI said Mr. and Mrs. Rennie have emphasized that the donation is sorely intended to help curtail the increasing waves of criminality, homosexuality and drunkenness within the region and at the same time to ensure a stable region based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reverend Adams, a Liberian Methodist clergy based in the United States explained that pastors from the four benefiting counties are expected to arrive in Liberia to join GTI for the joint distribution of the Holy Bibles to Churches, Christian organizations, and street evangelists or pastors who are quickly spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
However, the Methodist clergy was quick to point out that the Bibles are not to be sold or to be used for any commercial purpose not even by the church, Christian organizations or the evangelists preaching at street corners or in communities.

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